The power of tiny actions in Atomic Habits

By: Darshgursanjh Kaur

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In the present age characterized by the quick passage of time and the rigidity of most people to learn new ways, James Clear’s Atomic Habits finds its place in the sun. It is more than just a self-help book filled with equations and impossible expectations. Rather, it is a thoroughly vetted exercise on how minimal adjustments over time create major changes in one’s life.The central premise that Clear advocates is deceptively simple: Cultivate small habits and with time, they will lead to a great change. It is very right to say that the title “Atomic Habits” explains this philosophy in the best way possible. Here the word “atomic” does not refer only to something small but to something very basic, the constituent part of a system. Stated differently, these systems are built on habits as the most primary factors in every human being’s day to day functioning.

The crux of this book is the four laws of behavior change proposed by Clear that include make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it satisfying. These laws are not only simple to understand but also have their basis from studies in neuroscience and psychology, therefore making them practical in the establishment of new habits or the cessation of bad ones.Let’s analyze the first law: make it obvious. Clear is agitated by the fact that one’s environment affects behavioral patterns. If for example the intention is to cultivate the desire to consume more water, within one’s office space, placing a water bottle on the table as a visual prompt will aid in consuming more water. The implementation of this effortless adjustment can raise water consumption levels without excessive conscious resolve.Likewise, the other three laws of making habits attractive, easy, and satisfying are equally important. Clear provides many examples of this from real life. Many people who have succeeded in life such as athletes and businesspeople did that because they nurtured positive habits in them.”The Most Inspirational Component of ‘Atomic Habits’ is the focus on systems, rather than goals.” He believes in the importance of goals, however, these cannot be the only concern that one has. After all, everybody has got goals, but not all are winners.

The difference between achievers and the rest is in the system they have – what helps them to get up and do, on a daily basis, in order to achieve those goals.For example, for someone who has a goal of completing a certain book, it would be easier to adopt a writing system whereby one writes for thirty minutes each day, thanks to the absence of the pressure of completing the whole book. This perspective allows one to make progress over time without the stress of focusing on the final result and thus the whole undertaking becomes bearable and gratifying. The best part about “Atomic Habits” is the fact that it can be put into practice. Most importantly to readers, Clear outlines clear and simple ways in which one can implement them in one’s lifestyle regardless of whether the concern is fitness, work or relationships, or self-improvement.

He talks of how stacking of habits (doing a new habit right after an old one) can be beneficial in learning new habits. Let us suppose that you are interested in meditation. One option would be to engage in this activity immediately after brushing your teeth in the morning. The cognitive link between the old habit and the new makes the new habit much more likely to be retained. The bibliotheca offers a great number of examples from real life demonstrating the power that such tiny habits can yield when accumulated. Whether it is an Olympic gold medal or a last-minute project for a corporate firm, Clear illustrates how normal people used habits in a wonderful way.

These parts do not only motivate but also show the possibilities and effectiveness of such techniques. I realize that this book will not be heralded as the most inspirational or feeling book ever written. Neither will it be called a success method with concepts so innovative they challenge existing paradigms. ‘Atomic Habits’ also realistically tackles the issue of failure. Clear points out that every bit of progress comes with setbacks. Yet another aspect where “Atomic Habits” excels is in addressing viewers’ possible disappointments realistically. Clear points out that we will at times fail and that progress does not mean getting everything right.

In truth, what is important is the quick return to ground zero after a low blow. He introduces the “two-day rule,” a simple and powerful instruction: never go without a habit for two consecutive days. In this manner, even if you trip, you can do harm control and keep up with the other overall activity. This sober view of failure is especially welcome, given the present times when most motivational literature calls for shoot-to-kill discipline. As much as life is full of surprises, and one cannot rule out non-performance at some point, Clear states. Nevertheless, by defining objectives and concentrating on their achievement, it would still be possible to make purposeful advancement.

In other words, James Clear’s “Atomic Habits” cannot simply be described as a book about habit development. It is a strategy of change, of self-improvement. Clear employs a style that is plain and straight to the point, which makes it difficult for people to miss even the most challenging of ideas. This book contains the solutions and methods necessary to achieve your goals whether you are struggling to create great behaviour, or to stop undesirable ones.

Combining scientific research, practical advice, and examples from real life in “Atomic Habits” makes this book a compulsory read for anyone who aims to change their life for the better, starting from small habits. The focus on gradual, steady change over time instead of the wishful overnight success is a welcome departure from the usual self-help story, making this book a classic in the genre of self-improvement.

By: Darshgursanjh Kaur

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