The Noble Craft of Teaching

By: Lizzy Rowena

Noble Student
Noble Student
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The Noble Craft of Teaching

In the heart of a school, where dreams take flight,
A teacher stands, a beacon of light.
Not for the riches, the fame, or the gold,
But for the stories of lives they mold.

The maker of all professions, they say,
Guiding the future in their humble way.
With chalk in hand and wisdom to share,
They nurture the seeds with tender care.

We yearn for our students to rise and soar,
To achieve heights we’ve never seen before.
No envy stirs in this noble quest,
Their success alone brings us our best.

A flower gifted, a card in hand,
A hug that says, “I understand.”
These simple gestures, more precious than gold,
A treasure of love that we tightly hold.

For it’s not the money, the rank, or the prize,
But the joy reflected in our students’ eyes.
Their laughter, their growth, their dreams come true,
Is the sweetest reward for what we do.

Teaching’s a craft, a calling divine,
Shaping the world, one life at a time.
With love as our guide, we proudly proclaim,
To be a teacher is a noble name.

By: Lizzy Rowena

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