By: Nidhi Lakhani

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Communication is the most vital ingredient in any relationship. Communication is the core part of any relationship, whether it is a personal or interpersonal relationship. But the most common mistake people often commit is that they don’t understand the real meaning of communication or one can say they don’t know how much communication matters in any relationship.

We all know in simple terms the word communication defines as an act of conversation or to express your feelings, ideas, or opinions to another person. But what about understanding? Only speaking, talking, or conveying your matter is enough? Naah! I think such communication goes worthless when the other person is not able to understand it. 

Communication, as well as understanding, goes hand in hand in a healthy relationship. Understanding is the soul of communication. Without a sense of understanding, there is no meaning of communication. Mutual understanding makes your conversation much productive.

And with the invention of technology and internet communication is at your finger tip and also not a tragic matter as compared to the olden days, where our elders used to write letters to communicate with each other. 

Still, people are uneasy to share their feelings and perspective with others. And conflicts have become dreadful among partners. Partners are not ready to express what they feel and what they want for each other. Some feel hesitation, some feel rejection and some thought that their partner will not like or will get upset.

And they start lying and betraying each other. Generally, there are two types of communication; (i) Verbal communication and (ii) Nonverbal communication. And boh plays an equal role in the relationship.

A sweet smile can say a lot that words can’t! Many times your eye contact, your body language, your gestures convey a lot to your partner. But when you avoid talking or stop sharing, you ruin your gorgeous castle of relationship.

This article will provide you some tips on how your talkative nature can save or heal your lovely relationship from becoming worst.

Enjoy reading till the end! 



The magic of communication begins with trust. Trust is the foundation of any relationship and now it has become the universal truth. Without trust, a relationship cannot breathe. And it’s time-consuming too. 

Yes, building trust indeed requires hard efforts and time too. But when you start sharing everything with your partner frankly it shows that you truly trust him/her. And it makes your bonding deep-rooted.


When you wait eagerly to talk to your partner and for sharing any special talk or how did you spend your day, it unlocks your love for your partner. It shows that you love to talk with your partner.

Many times relationship dies because of partners don’t show their keen curiosity for talking to each other. And it too blocks their love flow.


Well, when two different minds try to connect, then there are more chances of differences in their opinions, different viewpoints, and misunderstandings.

But with the flow of good communication, misunderstanding can be converted into deep understanding. And there are fewer chances of conflicts when one clearly expresses their ideas.


When you can speak up frankly with your partner, it shows how much you are flexible and open-minded with your partner. It also creates a sense of approachability.

Like when you are frank with your partner you can reach them anytime or anywhere without any hesitation. It makes your bonding truly deep and special with each other.



This step is very much vital while molding your communication. You should be loyal to your words. Always make fair promises.

Commit such words or promises that you can fulfill. Never try to lie, betray or hide anything from your partner.


“Honesty is the best policy” heard a lot right, but when the matter is about relationship then “Honesty and Open-mindedness are fair policies”. Yes, both matter a lot. And both are interlinked.

The more you try to be open with your partner, the more you will come close to each other. So always be honest with your partner.


Many times it happens that we are physically present but mentally roaming somewhere else while communicating. so avoid such type of strange behavior, it only ruins your relationship.

Always be present and listen to what your partner is saying. Give quick responses. Take an active part in the conversation. After all, communication is not a one-way process.


Small-sweet conflicts and arguments are common in any relationship. And it too plays a huge role in understanding and love flow. But the condition is one should not avoid communicating.

Yes, be engage in conversation even after the rude bye, try to restart talking and solve it as fast as possible. Never hold any negative talk and let things go.

Never forget whether you are staying close or at a long distance, communication matters surely in any relationship. And many relationships failed because of a lack of effective communication. So avoid that by using above stated tips.

I hope this article is what you want and helpful in making your communication more and more effective. So keep chatting with your partner and boost your relationship.

By: Nidhi Lakhani


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