The Forgotten Lullabies of Earth

By: Prabakaran.R

earth Forgotten mother
earth Forgotten mother
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The Forgotten Lullabies of Earth

Once, the rivers sang in crystal tones,
Their whispers carved valleys, their joy shaped stones.
Forests danced in emerald attire,
Echoing songs of an ancient choir.

Mountains stood as timeless sages,
Guardians of secrets, keepers of ages.
Oceans swayed to the moon’s soft plea,
Harboring dreams of eternity.

But now, the rivers murmur in grief,
Their melodies stolen by man’s belief—
That conquest is progress, and greed a right,
Leaving the Earth in a fading light.

Forests weep in silent despair,
Their roots uprooted, their branches bare.
Mountains crumble, their strength betrayed,
By hands that forget the paths they’ve laid.

Yet still, the Earth hums a lullaby,
A plea to the hearts who can still reply:
“Remember my songs, my timeless lore,
For I am your cradle, your only shore.”

Oh, hear her call, the forgotten tune,
The rustle of leaves, the sigh of dunes.
Her voice, though faint, can still be found,
In the hum of bees, in the soil’s soft ground.

Will we awaken, will we redeem,
This shattered world, this broken dream?
Or will her lullabies fade away,
As shadows consume the light of day?

The choice is ours, the time is now,
To heal her wounds, to take a vow:
To honor her gifts, her ancient grace,
And leave no scar upon her face.

For the Earth still waits, with hope, with pain,
To sing her lullabies once again.

By: Prabakaran.R

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