The Break-Up: Keeping Hope Alive (Poem)

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With the hopes for future dreams

and the promises, we’ll stay together

till death, you said.

The hopes has faded,

the sun has turned grey,

the contradictory mind

we wear each day.

The path where we danced once,

divided into two,

one for me and other for you.

Go wherever you want,

wherever you find peace,

no bond from my side,

I was at the least.

I stand and gaze

at this line between us

and wonder how it became so

broad and ruin our trust.

The marriage is over,

tear may come.

Never expext, the journey has

ended such a way, in such a term.

Wish there’s a brighter rainbow

waiting for you.

Take time and think,

you’ll definitely boom.

I am here always for you,

come, when you think

you can open the door between us

with the key of your strength.


  1. […] Also Read: The Break-Up: Keeping Hope Alive (Poem) SOURCEMousumi Kundu Paul Share Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest WhatsApp Previous articleThe Queen of Nothing (Poem)Next articleJoy …My Very Soul (Poem) Mousumihttps://monomousumi.comI love to Express My Emotion in Words. I love to Cook New Dishes. Last but not the least , I love to travel a lot and explore the new places. var block_td_uid_4_5b20772eea780 = new tdBlock(); = "td_uid_4_5b20772eea780"; block_td_uid_4_5b20772eea780.atts = '{"limit":3,"sort":"","post_ids":"","tag_slug":"","autors_id":"","installed_post_types":"","category_id":"","category_ids":"","custom_title":"","custom_url":"","show_child_cat":"","sub_cat_ajax":"","ajax_pagination":"next_prev","header_color":"","header_text_color":"","ajax_pagination_infinite_stop":"","td_column_number":3,"td_ajax_preloading":"","td_ajax_filter_type":"td_custom_related","td_ajax_filter_ids":"","td_filter_default_txt":"All","color_preset":"","border_top":"","class":"td_uid_4_5b20772eea780_rand","el_class":"","offset":"","css":"","tdc_css":"","tdc_css_class":"td_uid_4_5b20772eea780_rand","tdc_css_class_style":"td_uid_4_5b20772eea780_rand_style","live_filter":"cur_post_same_categories","live_filter_cur_post_id":474,"live_filter_cur_post_author":"1","block_template_id":""}'; block_td_uid_4_5b20772eea780.td_column_number = "3"; block_td_uid_4_5b20772eea780.block_type = "td_block_related_posts"; block_td_uid_4_5b20772eea780.post_count = "3"; block_td_uid_4_5b20772eea780.found_posts = "29"; block_td_uid_4_5b20772eea780.header_color = ""; block_td_uid_4_5b20772eea780.ajax_pagination_infinite_stop = ""; block_td_uid_4_5b20772eea780.max_num_pages = "10"; tdBlocksArray.push(block_td_uid_4_5b20772eea780); […]


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