Ten Tips for MacBook Pro Users From iPremiumIndia


Photo@Sanjib Saha
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MacBook Pro is a line of portable computers that were introduced by Apple in the year 2006. They are razor thin, light as a feather and much faster and powerful than an average computer. MacBook’s are more popular than ever before, and while people are switching their operating systems and the systems they operate on from windows to Apple iOS, there is a lot to take in, and both of them cannot be more different from each other.

As the popularity MacBook laptops are increasing it is handy to know some of these tips and tricks for the smooth working of your laptop.

The ten tips are:

  1. Taking a screenshot of a specific part of the screen- capturing the display of any computer or mobile is something everyone is familiar with.  They also use it quite frequently. However in MAC, there is also an option to capture a part of the screen, and this can be done by cmd+shift+4. Now drag the box to the part of the screen that is needed to be captured.
  2. Renaming a lot of files with a single click- In the latest version of the iOS- Yosemite, renaming if files have become steadfastly easier. Now multiple files can be renamed together, and the names of the renamed files while being something like ‘file 1’ ‘file 2’ and so on.
  3. Adding a signature to official documents- does not get any easier than in the MacBook. In the preview window, click on the pen icon and selecting on the ‘create signature from the built-in site’ will enable a person to produce and save someone’s signature on every document they want.
  4. View and use all special characters- while searching for a program called character viewer from the magnifying glass on the top of the screen, every aspect that MacBook is capable of displaying will be displayed in the search box.
  5. Switching between different windows of the same program- ‘cmd+~ ‘ will help in switching between different windows of the same application.
  6. Searching for a word in the Oxford dictionary or the thesaurus- the new OS x reference tool is wonderfully integrated. It can be accessed from anywhere. The keys cmd+ctrl+D can be pressed to achieve the desired result after selecting the word or clicking with three fingers on the trackpad.
  7. Turn on your MacBook silently- the chime that a Mac makes in the starting can be quite disturbing for peaceful environments such as the library, but it can be avoided by pressing the mute button while the laptop starts.
  8. Difficulty in locating the cursor? Make it large- by wiggling of a finger to and fro on the  trackpad will make the cursor grow and more accessible to see and will deflate automatically when the wiggling is stopped
  9. Spotlight can convert any unit- a feature limited to Apple; it can search for a number of things without the use of the internet including conversion and other necessary items. Money conversion is also possible provided the internet is connected.
  10. Record your screen- when a screenshot isn’t enough, Mac offers to record screens with its application QuickTime.

Advance Tip: If your Macbook stops working or does not function properly, take your Macbook for repair immediately.

Whether it’s a new user switching from windows or a first time user, it will be easy for them to their MacBook after learning these tips.



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