By: Kelvin Sena Datsa

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In the 21st century and an era of great civilization, technological advancements have been the bedrock of a thriving world. Building of great interchanges, highways, cities and building were all made possible by technology. Technology has shaped the world and has indeed come to stay and leave an indelible mark.

Since time immemorial, human beings are regarded as the most prominent species on Earth. For centuries, humans lived together and shaped the world through Science and Technology.

From Thomas Edison’s invention of the electric bulb to many technological advancements of the modern era, the human lifestyle has changed with the speed of light.

Technology has had many positive effects. Technological advancements have promoted education and improved health delivery thereby reducing mortality rate. Technology has also helped to boost businesses, increase connectivity, boost the capital market and most importantly improved the quality of life.

Nonetheless, technology has numerous negative effects. Technology has influenced human activities that cause climate change, wasted people’s time and has also made people dependent on technological gadgets. The world is trying to combat climate change by creating different technologies whereas the creation of technologies that has industrialized the world is the major cause of climate change.

The persistent use of technology also causes serious health problems such as thrombosis, computer vision syndrome, migraines, and backaches among others.

According to Kimberly Herschensohn, LMSW, a therapist practicing in New York told Health Line, “Technology becomes a problem when it begins to interfere with our daily life, leading to addiction”.

A great technological advancement which has the potential to change the human lifestyle is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines especially computer systems.

It is no doubt that Artificial Intelligence is aiding to bridge the gap between academia and industry but it has the potential and capacity to distort the natural phenomena of human lifestyles and attitudes.

Artificial Intelligence is gradually creating jobs for computer literates and creating unemployment for people who do not have knowledge about technology.

Artificial Intelligence is again making humans extremely lazy. Humans make technology perform tasks that they could perform on their own. Humans relax in the comfort of their homes and see things done by technology and these makes them to occasionally go out to have fresh air and also to exercise their body.

Artificial Intelligence is making people dependent on technology. Recently, it is very hard to get people off their mobile phones because it is either they are surfing the internet or obtaining information from Siri, Alexa or Chat GPT.

Artificial intelligence has the potential to divert attention of individuals. AI does not make people concentrate on what they do. People even go to the extent of selling all their properties all in the quest to get an Artificial Intelligence product. Artificial Intelligence makes people to do dubious and all forms of dangerous things.

Again, Artificial Intelligence influence the next generation quite easy. Artificial Intelligence can be used to spread false information. The upcoming generation trust all information and ideas from Artificial Intelligence forgetting that they were all things programmed by humans who are obviously not perfect.

Furthermore, Artificial Intelligence has the potential to create relationship problems. The internet and technology has now prevented direct conversations with friends and families because this could be done virtually from anywhere around the world. Artificial intelligence therefore tends to widen the relationship gap among individuals of this present generation.

 Artificial Intelligence creates relationship problems due to the fact that the human species now interacts more with Artificial Intelligence than their families and friends. It also has the potential to destroy the love and affection of bosom fiends.

Artificial Intelligence as one of the technological advancements has the ability to cripple the critical thinking abilities of the greatest revolutionary minds since people can get answers to the most difficult questions and ideas when they approach Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence has the ability to change human lifestyle because it is changing the human perspective about certain cultures. Culture is the way of life of a group of people. Artificial intelligence makes people dispose their rich cultures and makes them believe that sitting in offices and behind computers all day is the most important thing in life.

In a nutshell, Artificial Intelligence has the ability to change the way we live, think and act. Artificial intelligence is probably the blueprint of the technological world but is should not change our lifestyle but rather be an aid to the greatest species in the universe; mankind.

By: Kelvin Sena Datsa

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