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Tag: Wellness

New Trends in Lifestyle

Lifestyle trend means a pattern of behaviour or choice that is gaining popularity among a group of people. It often involves how...

Health is wealth

“Health is wealth” is the known proverb. In my view, health is more than wealth. If one has good health means he...

Plant-based diets fad or future – Let’s find out

Well, the global trend towards plant-based diets is probably one of the most relevant lifestyle movements of the 21st century. What started...

Lifestyle Trends

Every day, trends change, affecting how we live, think, and act. At 17, I am constantly bombarded with new lifestyle, travel, health,...

The Power of Mindfulness: A Gateway to a Balanced and Full...

Mindfulness is undeniably the strongest topic at present, echoing in the minds of people from all walks of life. It offers light...