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The COVID-19 pandemic, or, in other words, the coronavirus outbreak, has brought humanity to an all-time crisis. In the not-so-distant past, mankind...

The Biggest Crisis Faced by Humanity in the Past and Present

Throughout human history, various crises have threatened the very existence of humanity. From devastating wars to catastrophic natural disasters, these crises have...

COVID-19 Pandemic A Major Crisis of Modern Times

Throughout history, humanity has faced many crises that tested our strength and unity. One of the biggest crises of modern times is...

Biggest Crises Faced By Humanity and Modern Era

Every country in this world is developed, and some are developing countries. The world looks beautiful with its structure. Every country is...

A Tale of Two Pandemics: The Black Death and COVID-19 –...

The Black Death was the worst pandemic in human history, killing nearly 20 million people in about three years between 1347 and...