Stress Management : Ways to Relieve Stress

By Janhavi

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What is stress management?

One of the most buzzing topics among the people and across social media  nowadays is MENTAL HEALTH and stress management. People have become more aware of this underrated and undiscussed topic more than before now but still a lot of disparity exists between the diagnosis and discussion of physical and mental health . People still tend to only discuss physical health and mental health is still a very rare topic to be discussed among family members.

Mental health and stress management

Since mental health is directly related to stress, it becomes necessary to talk about  mental health and keep the topic associated with it. “ STRESS ” is not only a mere term  for tensions and anxieties but it has a deeper impact  on our lives ranging from feeling very lonely sometimes to leading to depression and suicidal tendencies.

It acts as a very powerful evil which not only destroys our happiness and contentment but also our lives  .  It is as dangerous as cancer and other deadly diseases as it acts as a staircase leading to poor mental health . Stress in its initial stages is also very menacing as it reduces the efficiency of the person as well as causes other problems like hair fall , lack of concentration , building up of frustration  and even some physiological problems like vomiting , loss of appetite etc.

Thus , it is very evident  that   STRESS  is something which needs to be managed and analyzed  properly . STRESS MANAGEMENT will not only refine our lives but also makes us see the positive side of everything that happens around us .

Best ways to cope up stress management

There are various ways through which we can cope up with stress as –

  1. According to researchers , MEDITATION plays an eminent role in cutting stress and building peace of mind . Daily meditation helps in the betterment of our lives and can be very fruitful for a person  not only in short term but also in the long term perspective .
  2. One of the best ways to reduce stress to  pursue to hobby at least for some time in a day , something  that you enjoy and which helps u to forget everything else around us.
  3. Another way is to do something for others  ; doing something for others not only makes  that person happy but also creates positive vibes around which makes the doer feel contented .
  4. Start a correspondence with old friends and some people in your life for whom you are important  . It will also make you feel better off .
  5. Another stress buster is “ FORGET SEVENTY TIMES SEVEN ”  . Start forgiving people rather than cribbing and getting affected by it .
  6. Have some time for you in a day  . This  should be the time for you only , not involving any other person .
  7. Accept the things which you cannot change . This will help you to live in the real world rather than just day dreaming about the things which you cannot change .
  8. Make a daily schedule which you can follow. This helps to make your day productive and makes you realize that you have utilized your time in the best possible way  which again makes you feel good about yourself.
  9.   As healthy eating leads to a healthy lifestyle ;take a healthy diet including the proportionate amounts of all the essential nutrients. You can also buy kava, a herbal remedy, to help people relax, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve sleep.
  10. Get in touch with nature and environment because being around nature is very convalescing in itself.

Alternative ways to cope up stress management

Some of the other ways of stress management can be trying to abstain from being surrounded by negative people and making a circle of positivity in your life , writing all your thoughts on a piece of paper so that you can get the stuff out of your head and get rid of it, it really feels very satisfying when you don’t have really  good people around you.


So, making yourself happy and stress free is as important as taking medicines, eating food or some other important activity in our life . This should be the priority of all of us over every other work in our lives because if you are happy you will make everyone around you happy and your body will support you in the most efficient way .


By Janhavi

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