Strength of Indian Culture

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India is a country full of variations and diversity and thus is considered as the best suitable example of ‘Unity in Diversity”. It is a land which has witnessed great people like brave warriors, fierce freedom fighters, intelligent scientists, humblest humans and the list goes on. India is a country that is not only a country about its people but also about its nature and culture. It has various sides of its own topography from the highest mountain ranges in the north to the peninsular highlights in the south, it is indeed a wonderland. People of India belong to different religions, castes, creeds, race, intellect but are truly connected with each other through the entitlement of being Indians.

India has a huge collection of spices; all credit goes to its geographical attributes. People here are mostly engaged in agriculture making the country world’s second agrarian country. With the growing population India is also having a parallel development of its secondary and tertiary sectors for better standard of living and careers. In the recent years, India has witnessed a speedy growth in the I.T. sector and it is obvious as India is now learning the ways to connect to the world. The youth of India is excelling in different fields due to their exposure towards social networks. The internet has actually reformed India’s outlook towards various affairs. It has given its people the ability to connect, learn and grow.

In India there is an amalgamation of people with different and distinct backgrounds and cultures. There exist many tribes, castes, religions that live in the various parts of the country. The existence of all these religions has contributed towards the growth of social connectivity. The reason behind that being the rituals, festivals celebrated around India. The culture of India is pretty colorful as it brings together the people of different mindsets, backgrounds together. Some great festivals are celebrated for social gatherings and nurturing the family relations as well as meeting new people and connecting with them through the joy of the season. Also, one can see numerous cultural traits within people like the differences in their accents, their attire, their languages and their rituals. India is a land of variety, a place where one can taste the essence of various cultures all at once. Since, the people of India often migrate from state to state, it becomes easier to experience the numerous cultural differences at a particular region itself.

India also happens to be the place that has one of the seven wonders of the world- The Taj Mahal with its mesmerizing white marble architecture known as the sang-e-mar mar. Moreover, India also has other architectural sights of the historic times that have some incredible architectural designs. India a land embraced by the sea on its three sides has some of the best beaches. Historical speaking India has a huge collection of historic monuments especially the forts. Forts can be found throughout India, in various states with their incredibly designed architecture. India also is the motherland of some of the world’s biggest and architecturally beautiful temples. Caves and other natural and manmade structures can be spotted in India. The Indian culture simply embraces all the various kinds that exist within India and also the kinds from outside India.

The people of India happen to adore colors. Festivals like Holi and Diwali bring out the festive colors of Indian culture. This brings us to analyzing the Indian flag which is a tri color flag – saffron, white and green with a blue wheel – the Ashoka Chakra amidst the three colors. Each color symbolizes great ideologies followed by the Indian citizens. The country is a great display of culture. The Indian culture amalgamates religion, thought and attributes of the people. In earlier times, India was considered as the richest country in the world due to its richness in terms of great leaders, great values and great systems. India has also been through its share of hardships, the British Rule. Fighting through the struggles and the despair India finally became independent after more than 100 years of British Rule. This period taught India various life lessons which gave birth to great people who led the freedom fight. On the other hand, it also culminated India into a developing nation with their kind acts of developing the roadways, railways and technological advancements. Independence gave India its own identity to freely set its laws and freedom to develop its pure and rich culture. It also made India stronger and gave it the ability to decipher the importance of peace and harmony.

India also has the world’s 12th richest city – Mumbai. The wealth of Mumbai comes from its high standard of living. The Indian culture gives great importance to literary art. India has witnessed some great poets who have changed the way of looking towards life of the people. Indian culture also has a huge contribution of its classical music. The great dramas and movies reflect the Indian society and its culture. India is blessed with natural resources. It is a home to dense forests, perennial rivers, tall mountains and timely seasons. The great saints of India have depicted the beauty and wealth of India in their writings, poetry and scripts. The Indian government also gives importance to the requirements and beliefs of all the religions practiced by the Indians. To help nurture this importance towards the Indians the government declares various holidays for the festivals.

India is a country where one can find the togetherness of two different things which may make one wonder but truly that one quality of India qualifies it as the biggest example of cultural amalgamation. The country is blessed to have many cultural qualities that symbolize the strength and beauty of unity. Indian culture is perhaps one such culture where one can expect the existence of interesting celebrations that happen to make India and its prestige achieve the top place in the world. The Indian culture respects the ideologies and ways of perception of every other religion and thus it strengthens the bond between all the Indians. Thus, the Indian culture is truly remarkable which makes India stand out among all the other countries of the world.

Writer: Ruchira Dhamapurkar, Mumbai


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