SNBT: Alternative to the Higher Education Entrance Test in Indonesia as a Simulation of the World of Work

By: Insan Hadid

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Indonesia, as an archipelagic country with hundreds of millions of citizens, continues to strive to provide good education to all its citizens. Indonesia strives to continue to provide support to its citizens who want to obtain a good education, one of which is facilitating the existence of universities. Higher education is a forum for citizens in Indonesia to be able to obtain good and quality education. Presenting universities in Indonesia is one form of Indonesia’s efforts to take part in educating the world.

Apart from taking part in making the world smarter, the presence of universities is also an effort to prepare people to be ready to enter the world of work. In the midst of world dynamics that continue to develop, preparing students to face the world of work is a very important aspect of education. The world of work which is currently very tight with the large number of unemployed in Indonesia is one of the reasons for the need for preparation for students to be able to adapt to this tight world.

This preparation will help students because in its implementation it includes a simulation of the world of work in stages. The form of simulation of the world of work begins even before a student is declared a student. Simulations of the world of work are shown when a student wants to enter college, namely during the college entrance selection exam.

Universities in Indonesia have a unique admissions system, where college entrance exams have several selection processes that aim to improve student preparation. One of the efforts made to improve student preparation is through the College Entrance Selection Test. This test has become an important instrument in evaluating students’ abilities, mapping their potential, and helping them prepare for their next steps, including entering the world of work.

Alternatives for entering higher education in Indonesia are National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP), National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT), and Independent Selection. Selection to enter college is one of the requirements for people who want to study. However, the presence of this entrance selection has pros and cons for people in Indonesia.

Some people think that selection is not required to enter college because this limits people’s right to continue studying. Meanwhile, according to some other people, this selection is important to see how strong people’s intentions and willingness are to obtain education.

The debate that occurred among the community was as predicted by the government. Why this is so, this can be proven by the presence of a college admissions system that is currently running. The university entrance selection system is the main focus for the government to ensure that all students at universities throughout Indonesia are worthy of becoming students. However, the eligibility of prospective students is not only seen through the student’s academic and non-academic achievements while in secondary education.

The eligibility of prospective students is ensured through achievements and tests in the college entrance selection. National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) is a form of appreciation for students who excel at being able to enter college without a test, while SNBT is an alternative test for those who really want to enter college. This is an interesting discussion.

SNBT attracts attention, because it is an excellent alternative to entering college in preparing people to be ready to face the tough world of work. This can be seen from how the test is carried out. This test is carried out to screen applicants at a university from all over Indonesia.

This selection system has the same concept as how the world of work will accept workers in a company or employees in the government. SNBT is the stage where the applicant’s seriousness will be tested. Applicants’ seriousness will be seen when they take the college entrance test. Whether they really mean it can be seen from the results they get.

SNBT is a college entrance test with three main components in the test. These three test components are tests of knowledge and skills that are directly related to the world of work. The three tests in SNBT are the scholastic potential test (TPS), literacy test and mathematical reasoning test. TPS is a test to measure students’ reasoning in solving a problem.

This test is related to problem solving skills which are really needed in the world of work. Next is the literacy test, where this test is not only about reading ability but also about how students understand and answer questions with the ability to think quickly. This test will train students on how to communicate and think critically when facing a client or customer in the world of work in the future.

The final test is a mathematical reasoning test, of course this test is about students’ ability to calculate. However, it is not just about calculating but also about how students can carry out a process systematically, analytically and logically by following the formulas that have been studied previously.

Can SNBT have a big impact on students’ preparation for their future lives and how is it different from SNBP? Of course. The SNBT selection system can prepare students to face the world of work. The SNBT test offers a number of significant benefits in preparing students for the world of work.

First of all, this test allows identifying students’ potential and strengths in various fields, whether in terms of academic knowledge, cognitive skills, or personality aspects. Thus, these tests help students to better understand themselves and choose a career path that suits their interests and abilities. SNBT is not only about college entrance tests, but also a simulation of the world of work. The world of work will continue to become more and more competitive.

The impact that will be obtained by students and tertiary institutions with the existence of SNBT is getting the opportunity to enter tertiary institutions through their pure abilities, increasing students’ competitive spirit, improving the quality of prospective students in tertiary institutions, and ensuring that students have knowledge and abilities that are worthy of being recognized. Apart from that, the SNBT Test also plays an important role in providing a more realistic picture of what to expect in the world of work.

By evaluating skills such as problem solving, data analysis, communication, and creativity, these tests help students understand the competencies required in the modern workplace. Therefore, the presence of SNBT is an alternative to the college entrance test which can be said to be fairer compared to SNBP. SNBP which prioritizes advantages in the form of achievement is a test that can only be taken by eligible students at their school so that not all students in Indonesia can take it. Meanwhile, SNBT is purely intended for all students in Indonesia as a requirement for entering college. Therefore, SNBP has a slightly different concept from selection in the world of work and SNBT is closer to this.

Even though SNBT is considered good for training the competitive spirit of the younger generation in preparation for the world of work, there are still shortcomings in this system. In the SNBT system, many frauds are still found. Cheating is carried out by both participants and SNBT test administrators. This can occur due to lack of confidence in the participants’ abilities.

This distrust is a sign that a participant is not qualified enough to face the world in the future. Thus, participants and implementers who are found to have committed fraud will be followed up by legal proceedings. The sanctions for fraud perpetrators can be said to be severe. Where these sanctions will be an illustration for those who cheat in the world of work, both social sanctions and sanctions given by legal entities, for example, are considered not to be immediately passed.

Regardless of the shortcomings of SNBT, SNBT will be very good if it continues to be implemented by correcting all existing shortcomings so that an SNBT concept is produced that is able to truly assess student potential. Students’ competitive spirit will continue to be sharpened and their preparation to face the world of work will be more mature.

Even though there are still shortcomings, SNBT just needs to be tightened so that fraud can be minimized. The presence of SNBT will have a positive impact on students by increasing the competitive spirit within students. Students will put more effort and prepare themselves to pursue their desired career.

The best preparation for the future is to do your best today. As Colin Powell said, “There is no secret to success, It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” There is nothing instant to achieve success, everything requires a process and struggle. Thus, prepare yourself to step into the future and face all obstacles with the ammunition you have been given. SNBT forms a young generation with a competitive spirit who is ready for the future.

By: Insan Hadid

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