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Every day is common with the hectic schedules in everyone’s life but they follow it for their own mean while a joker works to fill happiness and joy in someone’s life. This is a short story of a joker who spends his day with the same problems and miseries in heart but still keeps smile on his face. 

The clock busted with a pop up sound. The sun was rising with the light spreading everywhere. But this man was still at his bed snoring hard. Then, a heavy woman enters in the room with the mug full of water. She splashes it on man’s face forgetting his late night hard work. The drops of cold water tickled all his nerves and he awoke perplexedly. The women’s act was done to make him irritated so that he will leave their house. This was a common way to displease the morning of anyone but this man lives the life of a joker. He awakes with the smile on his face and “thanks aunty to make me out of my bed every day” words on his mouth. 

“ You are a stupid man. Never gets retired from your daily lines”. Women returned to her work with murmuring these words. 

He took shower after same essential things and then dressed himself in the most comical way. He wore curly yellow wig on his head, long carrot shaped piece on his nose and red lipstick with broader outlining around his mouth. The yellow buttoned full sleeve shirt with the tight red pants and black shoes. The white gloves covered his wounded fingers and powder his scars. He waved “Good bye” to his landlady but the people in the society was laughing on her. The joker stuck the banner in her uncombed hair which was labelled as “I am stupid”.  But the cunning vixen got this and threw it on him. 

As usual, his stomach was growling because every day the landlady was not good enough towards him to offer the breakfast but the man had his sweet dish while tottering on the streets. Some children laugh on him,  while others try to imitate like him and sometimes some rich parties threw ten or twenty rupees towards him, treating him like a beggar. But no adjective would be suitable to describe him; he used to buy balloons and other toys from the money which was distributed in the orphan kids. He worked hard to see the laugh on the faces of the kids left in orphanage. Every child was different there. Some scratch his hair, some play with him like a toy while others laugh on his crazy jokes to arise from the depression of separating away from their parents. But there was a girl who was different from every kid. She was cute, innocent and pretty smart living there from last seven years. Her father was a professional joker and he used to smile on each problem hiding his fears but got died in an accident. So she knew the grief of a joker. 

The orphanage had their fixed time for the lunch and breakfast. The children had something new every day which was distributed by the rich families. Sometimes, it was mango, apples, cherries or others. Everyone loved the joker a lot but not more than the food which they get less frequently. But the girl stole it for the man because she knew that even if he was hungry, he will not share his problem. The twelve year old girl was more aged than actual. His stomach always wanted to have what the girl offered but he refused her with long burp. 

He was allowed there only for three hours and after that he used to clean the shoes at the railway station and that was his professional work. In this world,  everyone is different but no one can be like this joker. People used to spit on the place where he used to sit daily while others bargain in paying just ten to twenty rupees because that were paying it to a cobbler not to a professional business man and here respect is given to the people who are either engineer,  doctor or a big sportsman. They simply ignore the people who heals up the shoes and other things. And that is just because every profession does not get equal treatment. 

Spending whole day for just a penny was enough for him to buy his one meal of the day. Then,  around at six pm, he packed his bag with all tools in hurry to attend his another job.  

Within two hours, he decorates himself with the more pancakes and other stuff supplied by the event management, so that he could make laugh more other people in the parties. Sometimes he became a horse, ghost or a fool man to entertain everyone. 

But when every one left the place, then his meal time began. He wished thanks to the invitees who left their plates unfinished because it helps to fulfil his tummy for a night but the food was avail more than he needed so he carries it to distribute among the street children. 

Twelve struck in the clock of world,  also on the faces of many rich people, middle man, strugglers and others who think they had many problems to fight with but at the end of the day,  it is the joker who feels happy.  When he sleeps at night, he smiles for the very next day but on the next day,  he is going to see more smiles and joys on the faces of children which was his biggest treasure. 

By Sakshi Agarwal


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