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Once upon a time a small village called Attur. They lived a young boy named Selvam he lived with his parents in a small house on the edge of the town. Selvam was very slothful. Every day he helped his father in the fields but his job was only to chase away the birds… that came to eat their rice crops. Most people used sticks or slingshots to chase the birds, but Selvam didn’t want to move too much. So, he built wooden poles in different parts of the field and connected them with ropes this way he could scare the birds without standing up he could lie down and relax. His father was a bit worried about his slothful and thought “If I get sick how will Selvam take care of everything” but since Selvam always finished his work, his father never got angry. 

  One summer, during a dry season his father got very sick and Selvam had to take care of the whole field by himself. He tried but he wasn’t used to hard work. After a few weeks the crops started to die because they did not get enough water and Selvam could not save them alone. That night Selvam sat outside under the stars feeling useless and disappointed, he thought “why didn’t ever try harder now my family’s hope is gone”.  

  The next day morning he heard people talking in the village Selvam went to see what was happening there a soldier was announcing a big competition at the King’s palace the win. We would get a chest of gold. Selvam thought “this could save my family” Without thinking much Selvam said, he would join the competition the villagers laughed they thought “How someone as slothful as Selvam win against strong people from all over the kingdom”. But Selvam didn’t care. He has three days to reach the Palace so he left early his parents didn’t think Selvam would win but they hoped this would make him work harder and change his slothful ways. 

   After three days the competition started. All the participants were gathered near a big lake many of them were strong and fit, which made Selvam nervous “How can I beat these people” he thought. Then the rules were announced “they had to cross the lake and first three people to finish would go to the next round”. The countdown started 3…2…1…go. Everyone jumped into the lake and started swimming but Selvam stayed behind he thought “There is no way I can win if I just swim”. Suddenly Selvam had an idea, he ran into the nearby forest found some broken branches and made a small raft he used another piece of wood as a paddle. Selvam thought “This is a race to cross the lake not a swimming race. I may not be strong but I can be smart”. As the others got tired from swimming Selvam paddled across the lake slowly but surely, he passes many of them. In the end Selvam finished third and qualified for the next round two other participants who were very strong also made it. 

   The next day the final competition began, each contestant was given a big wooden block. The task was to push the block one Km to the finish line. Behind them were many tools, they could choose from to help them but they could only pick one. The first participant quickly grabbed a rope and started pulling the block. The second participant took a piece of wood to use as a lever to move his block. Selvam however did not rush he thought carefully about the tools “I can’t win by using my muscles I need to think smarter” he said to himself. After thinking for a while Selvam picked a small knife the crowd was confused “How could a knife help him move such a big block?” but instead of pushing the block Selvam started carving it. He cut the block into a round shape like a ball after one-hour Selvam finished carving. Now instead of a heavy block, he had a wooden ball Selvam pushed the ball easily. While other participants struggled with their heavy blocks. Selvam rolled it down the road catching up to the others with all his strength and determination. Selvam was the first to cross the finish line. The crowd cheered loudly no one had expected the slothful boy to win. 

    This story shows us that slothful people can be a smart but to achieve something great they need a big reason like Selvam’s love for his family. So, if you ever feel slothful find a strong reason to work hard whether it is for your family, your dreams or proving others wrong. A big goal can motivate you to give your best. 


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