Semester wise Examination – A new Way of Education

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The Day is finally here,

When our Boards have arrived earlier this year.

The Academic session has been divided into two,

To the older system of examination, let’s bid Adieu!

The time table is up and rolling,

The MCQ system, looks fascinating.

Everyone’s rushing through their guide,

Come on, let’s gear up for the ride!

There are 10 subjects in the list,

Let’s pull up our seat belts for the gist.

All are praying, all are nervous,

For students, the pressure on them is tremendous!

One by one come the pupils,

For whom, the exams seem to be a ‘sea of perils’.

As the students take their seats,

The supervisor ensures, no one cheats.

There goes English, Social studies and Mathematics,

Everyone knows to crack the MCQs, applying logic and a few tricks!

The job’s not yet done for us to hoo,

Physics is remaining, Chemistry and Biology too!

Yeah, I know, Physics is too tough,

But we are prepared with all the stuff.

And now comes, the all-important Chemistry,

Which, as you well know, is a huge Mystery!

We have four days with us,

Either to study hard, or… be ready for a fuss!

Everyone is smacking their head,

To become robust and not a nincompoop instead!

Here comes the last examination,

Which looks like a roller-coaster ride nearing completion!

The bell’s rung and the pens are up,

No sooner, the exam finishes, than cries of joy shall erupt!

5 minutes are left for the bell to go,

“How should we enjoy our weekend?”, all of us trow.

And FINALLY there goes the bell!

With students running helter-skelter,

as if freed from a prison cell!

There is hustle and bustle all around,

For surely, we were all astound!

BEWARE! the work’s still incomplete,

Since we have another set of exams to beat!

By: Tanish D. Trisal


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