By: Shreeja Mukherjee

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Science is a branch of study which helps to shape life itself. It is based on observations, experimentation and conclusions. Every single topic in this world and universe takes us back to Science. It is divided into three main parts: Physics, Chemistry and Biology and that is further divided into more subparts such as Biochemistry, Microbiology etc. It is because of Science that human life has progressed to such a great extent. Science is utilized to a great deal by those who wish to challenge themselves and make the world a better place to live in. Newton, Bohr and Harvey were some of the greatest physicians, chemists and biologists. Science as a whole is so vast that the archaic dictionary recognizes it as knowledge of any kind.


Science was first explored in Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece in the fields of astronomy as well as mathematics. Science can be both simple and complex. We observe so many naturalities which are directly related to Science. We see the Sun rise in the East and set in the West. However, there are certain things which we cannot see but we must understand such as rotation and revolution of the earth around the sun. As the history of science developed, scientists began to understand that the science which appeared complex could also be extremely simple. Practice of science was carried out a long time before even the word science was actually invented in curdling of milk, creation of medicinal herbs and observations of planets which helped in telling the directions of the ship in ancient times.


Science is the study of everything around us. Scientific research is what advances the world in all fields such as health, development, private sector. It is because of our Indian scientists that Chandrayaan 3 is reaching such new heights and is such a huge success. Advancement in science has led to new solutions to diseases which has made good health more accessible. There are DNA amplification tests which have made it possible to detect tuberculosis. All this is only possible because of our scientists. This further signifies that if there any scope for betterment in the world, scientists are a necessity.


The first discovery of Science were the units of measurement which were developed in the major Bronze civilizations. This can be proved by the oldest extant record of a unit of length by a rod ruler.


He was the first mathematician and philosopher of Tuscany in Rome. He was the first person to state that the earth is round which is why he is also commonly known as the ‘Father of Science’. He was the one of the biggest parts of the scientific revolutions which took part in the 16th and 17th century in Europe. He was the one who observed movements of mountains on the moon. He was the one who firstly made the use of a microscope. When he stated that the earth revolves around the sun along with the other planets , he was greatly criticized and almost imprisoned by the Roman Catholic church (since the church strongly believed that all planets revolve around the earth) but he stood by his statement resolutely which was later proved to be true.


A major part of Science is the creation of medicinal herbs which is also called as the art of Ayurveda. The five leaves which have great medicinal benefits are Aloe Vera, Turmeric, Tulsi, Pepper, Elaichi and Ginger. A leaf known as Gingko is used to create capsules, tablets in Chinese medicine and can be used as tea leaves when extracted. There is a flower known as Echinacea which is popularly known to reduce symptoms of common cold and boosts immunity.


It is because of science that we could dream about going to the moon, considering the existence of different solar systems beyond our planets. Basically, science helped us to literally touch the stars. The Big Bang Theory and other possibilities widen our horizons of thinking and question what we are actually made of. There was a time when going to the moon was only a plain dream, represented as one in the Tin Tin comic books as well. Scientists of ISRO and NASA have opened up a whole world of new possibilities with the discovery of water on the moon, possible life at Mars and new trends like miniaturization, smart propulsion as well as data analytics.


Firstly, with improvement in science, there has been a lot of improvement in technology. Some people rely so much on technology that they cannot see beyond it. We must understand that every single thing on google and YouTube are not certified facts. At the end of the day, it is deeply advised that we use our own brain above everything else. Secondly, science requires research and research demands a lot of resources. Although Science educates us about conservation of resources, some research material also requires natural resources to be exploited to a level where it becomes difficult and dangerous for us to survive. Thirdly, there are new concepts like Totipotency which makes cloning easier and more accessible. However, in a world where there can be a million Mother Teresas, there can also be a million Hitlers. Lastly, some people use weapons illegally which is a wrong use of Science. The day the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it is said that Albert Einstein locked himself in a room and cried because if he had not given the energy formula, he believed that this would have never happened. Therefore, as there are two sides to every coin, there are both benefits and harmful effects of science.


Some people believe that where science ends, religion begins. Others believe that science explains everything and religion is for those who believe in pseudoscience. Science and religion are like two separate perspectives looking at the same world and they deal with the same matters in different ways. Science offers ailment to the ones who are suffering in the form of measured drugs whereas religion offers Godly strength to the ill. Religion preaches about faith while science preaches about logic. The only way for science and religion to co exist is for each to remain in their own domain like two sides of a river flowing in parallel directions. A scientist and a priest must respect the differences of one another.


  It is no exaggeration that the world would not be where it is today if it were not for Science. Science provides knowledge and as a wise person said, “The pen is mightier than the sword.” Science is responsible for opening up our mind to new advancements and possibilities. However, no matter how amazing a certain thing is, there needs to be a line drawn somewhere which is why no matter how great scientific knowledge and usage is, we must put our mother earth first and foremost.

By: Shreeja Mukherjee

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