Review on Super Mario Bros

By: Rubin Aryal

5/5 - (5 votes)

Have you ever been thinking about what is your favorite movie?  Well in my opinion, I honestly think it is Super Mario Bros. 

Super Mario Bros was made in 2023. I never stopped watching it ever since the movie came out. Have you ever felt like this? When you watch a movie multiple times the next time you watch the same movie it feels boring. Well for Super Mario Bros, I have never felt like that. 

Well now l will be talking about Super Mario Bros. So, keep on reading this is just the start!!!

This is the main part here. It is about the movie. Well just introducing the characters, everyone knows Mario and Luigi. They are brothers. These are the main characters, so now we can hop into the movie. Mario and Luigi are working as plumbers and got a call. The drain was blocked so they went there. The pipe sucked Mario and Luigi into different dimensions. Luigi in Bowser’s land and Mario in Mushroom land. As Mario entered the dimension he saw a toad. The toad helped Mario go to Princess Peach. Mario wanted to go with Princess Peach to Browser’s land in order to save Luigi. Princess Peach tests Mario by summoning a difficult obstacle course.

After various attempts Mario Completed the challenge and was awarded to go with Princess Peach. After a long journey they reached the donkey tribe asking for their army to beat browser. The Donkey King said only if Mario beats his son Donkey Kong. Mario managed to defeat Donkey Kong by turning into a cat. Mario had turned into a cat by the power ups in the field. The donkey tribe with Mario and Princess Peach headed to the rainbow road. Browser was spying on them from a distance. Browsers’ army hopped on to the rainbow and bombed the path Mario and Donkey Kong were going. Mario and Donkey Kong fell in the water. Browser asked Princess Peach to marry her. Princess Peach lied and agreed, ‘Ok’. 

A large beast bigger than a Megalodon swallowed Mario and Donkey Kong. Mario and Donkey Kong escaped by using the boost on Donkey Kong’s cart. They escaped from the beast.

Outside Browsers castle there were thousands of power ups. Mario punched lots of them and got special powers. He turned into a dog and using his tail he flew up to Browsers castle. Donkey Kong climbed up the anchor that’s supporting Browser’s castle. At Browser’s castle Princess Peach was about to marry Browser then suddenly she said ‘Why would l marry you?’ And took an ice flower and ate it. Princess Peach froze the Browser and froze the Lava pit (The lava pit burned all the prisoners). Luigi was in the lava pit and he almost fell inside the lava pit because it was burning hot. Mario saves Luigi using his dog tail.

Browser Broke the ice all around him and declared the bomb at the Mushroom Land. Mario flew and saved the Mushroom Kingdom. The bomb went through the pipe Mario came from which sucked everyone to the real world. The ultimate star was in front of Mario. Mario was about to get the star but the browser saw Mario. Browser beat up Mario very badly but Luigi saves Mario when he was about to die. They both ran for the star and they both got the power and easily defeated the Browser. Princess Peach fed Browser the mini mushroom which made Browser tiny. Mario found a jar and put the browser in the jar.

That is what the movie is about. It is very interesting. I think the movie is for 8+ . I recommend the movie for people who want endings with good wins over evil. From the movie you can learn that no matter how much power the bad side has, the good will always win. 

I think Super Mario Bros could have added that there is a 2nd star and Browser, Luigi and Mario all have the power that will make the 2nd movie more interesting because people will wonder who will win. 

About the movie l think everyone must watch Super Mario Bros at least once. It is very interesting.  If you are wondering what movie you want to watch and you have not watched Super Mario Bros you should watch it. I hope you learned something in the plot of the story (mostly telling Super Mario Bros).  That is all l have to say about Super Mario Bros.
It is my number one movie and everyone should give it a try.

By: Rubin Aryal

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