Review of book [ Think and grow rich ]


Book Review
Book Review
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Review of book [ Think and grow rich ]

I still know that day when I was sitting in my classroom and I was feeling so depressed about my life any decisions I took in my life and was’nt getting what should I do to come out of it and start my life with new perspective. At that day my teacher noticed my situation and he gave me a book named ‘‘Think and grow rich ‘’. I took that book from my teacher and went to home got fresh and sat on my table to read . The book taught me a lot many things about mindset and that book changed me from core of my mind .this book influenced me to again think and grow rich ,so let’s take a review on this book The book THINK AND GROW RICH is written by Napoleon Hill.

This is written from the experience of more than 500 highly successful people interviewed by napoleon hill . this book contain formula for becoming successful in life, if any person follow these steps exact that person becomes successful . book talk about the action we should take for success . The most important chapter of the book is ‘Desire’ . It says that no matter the purpose of person but the achievement of person starts from intense burning desire, thoughts he has from core of his mind about the definite goal.

So, person must have that mindset of burning desire to achieve a particular goal in life. this create the chemistry in mind and those chemical start to act in a particular changes and those changes change your mind to achieve the success .This way help to work on your sub conscious mind .this sub conscious mind get balance by ‘Auto suggestion’ and the auto suggestion masters by repetition[repetition of thought ] . The repetition of thoughts like I want this, I want that and I am being capable of doing or achieving that thing . next step is ‘imagination‘ if one want to achieve something for an instance, if one want to be healthy and fit then he would have to imagine himself in that fit position so that he would be able to do that. if he imagine it then any step goes wrong at that point he would realise that this is not the correct way to go there and it would help him to realise the mistake and turn imagination into, the next step is ‘Decision’ the problem to be conquer is lack of decision. ‘’write decision is half done’’ .

If one take wrong decision then he has to face next problem which is ‘’Procrastination ‘’means avoid to do something which we have to do because of lack of interest and wrong decision . Next few steps are connected to each other are ‘’specialized knowledge ‘’ one should be aware of knowledge of specific things , for that one should have ‘’organize plan ‘’about what I want? . the steps we have to climb, decisions and sacrifices we have to make we should be clear about it and it’s reality checkup is very essential for becoming successful . next step is ‘’persistence’’ we should be persistence about image in our mind that we want it to turn into reality . and that is based on the power of master mind .

So this path of success book explained to make one successful.


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