Poem : The Cherished Whispers

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Out in a day when no one is in the way,

Walking through the street, I find a charismatic voice;

“Oh dear, come and have a ride”

Bewildered to see what that is,

I run, I run and I run.


A big hefty white cloud awaits me,

Shattered by his personality I dance merrily,

For the cloud was a gentleman with a sweet voice,

And carried me on it for a ride.


Oh, I see that it was wet, but I did not mind it on my way,

And we came across many places and had a selfie,

The cloud even danced, and had a great day,

As I landed in the African Jungle,

Furious there came an animal.

I hurriedly sat on the cloud and fled like a beam of light.


“Awesome sir! You have a great taste” applauded the cloud and clapped for me,

Thrilled by his comment, we travelled more,

Down came a dense forest where sunlight could not reach,

I saw many animals while sitting on the cloud;

It was a picturesque that could not be put in words,

For those lads that are imaginative ones.


The Cloud and his brothers came towards me , lifted me and  shouted “Hurray, Hurray and Hurray!”

For I visited them with, and brought them many gifts from various reliefs I visited.

The best part was not to fear challenges but to find out a way to tackle, fight and overcome them.

Dark clouds may come to carry me away ,but as an adventurous man, I kept them for some other day!


Meeting the clouds again would be alluring,

But I knew that I had to go down and complete my works,

The cloud led me to my place ,

I danced happily for we remained friends.


The fabulous jolt by the cloud made my day,

We meet again when there is a cloudy day,

The men passing by stare at me,

And want a ride with them.


Whenever I felt boring, I went dancing towards them,

They laughed, danced and sang merrily on the way to different places,

We cheered and whispered to meet again;

On my way, there came a dark cloud who told me not to get afraid because they were challenges to play and tackle mindfully,

Ready for the challenges, then I never gave up,

For you is to learn that life goes on.

Author Bio:

Jagannath Pradhan is a creative writer at the same time he is an avid reader. He likes to note down his thoughts and write continuously on random topics to improve his writing skills. Moreover, fluency and accuracy are his weapons, which he uses while writing that indulges the readers to the fullest.

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