Nuclear Energy Program Of The World

By: Safiyah Khodabocus

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Nuclear energy is a powerful source of energy that can be used for good or evil. Nuclear energy was discovered around the time of WW2 by Enrico Fermi. The energy is released when splitting atoms of certain elements. It was used to create bombs during WW2; those bombs were the result of many deaths and chaos. However in the 1950s, nuclear energy was turned into peaceful nuclear fission to generate power in an eco-friendly manner. Burning fossil fuels is one of the main contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, thus using nuclear energy as an alternative energy source will reduce the amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. There are many demerits to nuclear energy but we cannot ignore all its positive potentials. 

Nuclear energy as a sustainable energy source

Nuclear energy is produced from a naturally radioactive ore called uranium by splitting the atoms in half, a process that releases the core energy. Atomic energy is the second largest source of low carbon electricity in the world behind hydroelectric power. Nuclear energy is not a renewable source of energy, but it is recyclable and does not emit greenhouse gases. It is a small step toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing climate change. One fascinating fact is that nuclear energy is the most reliable source of energy in the United States. The first nuclear power plant was introduced to the world in June 1954. Nowadays the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant in Japan is one of the largest producer of nuclear energy in the world.

Disadvantages of using nuclear energy

However, using nuclear energy and setting up the facilities can cost billions and take a lot of time to build. Furthermore, no matter how secure and safe a nuclear power plant appears to be, accidents can always happen and the aftermath is horrendous. For example no one can forget the Chernobyl incident in 1986 and the Three Mile Island nuclear incident in 1979. Additionally, nuclear power facilities release radioactive waste that is dangerous to both humans and the environment. The extraction of uranium from the earth is not environmentally friendly. The Nuclear Proliferation treaty, which was created by the UN was to prevent the use of nuclear weapons. Not all countries signed the treaty, for example the USA. This can cause major problems world wide. 

Emerging nuclear energy countries

Around 60 power plants are being built in 15 countries, including China, India, and Russia. Even though we have lots of countries using nuclear power as an energy source, they will not contribute much to the expansion of the nuclear industry. Firstly, because fossil fuels are cheaper to extract, these countries will usually go for the easy way out without looking at the long-term consequences. Other renewable sources of energy cost way less than nuclear energy, this is why less advanced countries will not spend as much money on nuclear energy. When Russia invaded Ukraine, Russia cut off its energy supply to Germany. 

How can we further use nuclear energy to create a sustainable environment?

Moreover, in 2015 the UN created the 17 sustainable development goals in which the 7th goal is Affordable and Clean Energy. The nuclear industry plays an important role in the 7th goal, as it creates a better and more sustainable environment for everyone around the globe and for future generations. For instance, nuclear energy promotes health and well-being by providing jobs and improving air quality. NASA and Columbia University found that nuclear energy may have saved 1.8 million lives that would have been lost to pollution. Nuclear energy is also one of the most affordable sources of energy according to the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency).


When people hear the phrase nuclear energy, they usually think of something dangerous. Nuclear energy is a problematic topic. However when comparing the death rates from nuclear energy and from other sources of energy, we can see that it has a lower death rate and is the safest option. When used for good, nuclear energy can solve the world’s biggest problems and challenges like poverty, hunger, climate change and inequality. Nuclear energy has historically been one of the largest global contributors to low carbon energy. 


In my opinion, nuclear energy is important and plays a significant role in our daily life as it is the very thing that can destroy or heal the world. It can be weaponized to destroy anything or used to create a sustainable environment. This is a choice that every country has to make. 

Is the risk worth it? I personally think that nuclear power should be used but with more international security measures. More countries have sought to master the nuclear fuel cycle, both for economic reasons and as insurance for rainy days. It is fascinating how one of the smallest things on earth can have such an impact on life. It can lead us to more scientific discoveries and breakthroughs. 

By: Safiyah Khodabocus

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