Mental Wellness

By: Priya Gokulraj

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Mental wellness or Mental health profoundly plays a vital role in a person’s life. Mental health has a tremendous impact on individual’s success.

Mental wellness is a state where an emotional feelings of an individuals is well balanced. They are not the situation prisoners. They accept all the emotions equally. When an individual’s mental state is well balanced, they know how to harness the harmful thought or harmful feelings caused by any awful events. They will never take the negative energy coming from a stressful event. For instance, if a person is humiliated by his boss, colleagues or friends circle, he will never react to it. Instead he responds. He responds in the way that they (persons who humiliates) are entitled to their opinions but he is not going to react it, which paves him to the personal growth. These persons find more peace at their workplace and also with his family. And also they are less likely to attract mental illness.

Mental illness is a state where a person’s emotional thinking or behaviour may change. It may due to the stress or frustration caused by the social life or family life or at work place. Mental illness may be feeling down or confused, depression, frustration, consuming alcohol, not talking to anyone, no concentration etc.,

After achieving a remarkable rate in women’s literacy, even today most of the house wives are suffering domestic violence silently. Which paves them towards mental illness. When they try to resist the frustration, they will go through depression, anxiousness and restlessness. They also may feel tired and feeling down

A girl enters the husband’s family with tremendous joy. As soon as she enters, she discovers it as an Aliens place. She thinks she won’t belong there. In-laws expects their young daughter in law to be more perfect, more sacrificing, more empathetic than them.

Staying with in-laws is a nightmare to most of the young women. Some in-laws forcefully make their daughter in-law to give up their dreams. Housewives are the multi taskers. Their efforts to rise their kids, looking after day to day household chores, taking care of their in-laws are not even respected by their partners, instead they are humiliated.

Housewives with new born or young kids are going through a series of problems. Taking care of new born is a challenging task. Some new mothers won’t get anyone’s support. New mothers may not have a good sleep. But they should wake up in the early morning and completing their day to day household chores. Unsolicited advices on perfect parenting will be manifested in the name of concern by mother -in-law which creates more stress in new mothers.  All these problems lead to depression, frustration, physical tiredness.

When hurdles block her path, she should never forget the remedies to overcome the stress, some of them are here-

Sharing her feelings with her trustable friends

  • Counting the blessings
  • She can listen to her in-law’ssuggestions, but no need to follow those suggestions
  • Detaching from her in-laws emotionally
  • Complaining to her husband will make the situation worse, it’s better to write down her feelings and discarding it.
  • Setting up the boundaries
  • Avoiding the unnecessary conversations
  • Talking to the medical profession

In some families, Mother-in-laws and husbands are also silently suffering the pain. Some daughter-in-laws are not taking care of their aged in-laws. They don’t even provide them a good food, shelter or clothes.

There are some organization which are helping them and also some amendments which protects the aged in- laws.

Everyone will be aged eventually. It’s the law of nature. If we all realise it, there will be no old age homes.

Work related stress is growing day by day. It affects the mental health and also physical health of the employee. Work stress is mainly due to heavy work load, deadlines, conflicts with other employees or with boss, working conditions, demanding or expecting more than person’s capacity, gender bias are the few examples. Women employees experience more stressed than male employees. Some of the reason may be the lesser pay scale than male employees, sexual harassment.

They may feel tired, frustration, depression, anxiousness. If these symptoms are not taken care properly, individual may go through a terrific pain.

There are some remedies to overcome the stress atworkplace. Some of them are here,

  • Appointing a counsellor at a work place
  • Not demanding extra work
  • Not demanding over time
  • Organizing healthy entertaining programmes once in a while
  • Giving a better pay scale
  • Taken care of women employees from sexual harassment
  • No gender bias

Always there are some time honoured techniques to overcome anxiety, depression, stress.  Some of them are yoga, meditating, art classes (embroidery, crochet), dance and music classes. And also talking to medical professionals.

Each and everyone are Unique. Some might see it as opportunities, some others as stress. It all depends on person’s psychological factors. We feel very normal to speak about our physical health. We easily talk about our headaches, fever, stomach aches etc. but we are ashamed of talking about our mental health. We fear about this society, what if it ignores us? It’s our duty to take care of them. If they are not ignored, surely they will be resilience from this small illness. This is not an insurmountable pain. Surely they can muster the courage with all of our help.

Finally, we hope, our coming generation will see the better world with better health both physically and mentally, where humans will be treated as a human, not a competitor, jealous or envy.

We all can try to fill the gap between human being and being human.

By: Priya Gokulraj

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