By: Adil Sayyad

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On the dusk of 25th of April 2021; Shruti ,only daughter of Ram Shrivastav marched into the hospital desperate to save her fading father from the devil his body was fighting with. She carried a little breeze of hope to every hospital she went into only to be rejected by “sorry we are full,check other hospitals”. With every step in every other hospital her father’s health deteriorated even faster.

At what could be possibly the worst health condition for a human to stay alive ,she haulted at one last hospital and begged the authorities to revive her father. Yet she got no different reply. Her father took his concluding grasp of air and left her child in the ever lonely world. The daughter’s cry for help went numb ,her eyes being made to see something she was forbidden to see.

In the midst of chaos,her head bent down onto her fathers chest,tears rolling down her cheeks,dripping on the lifeless body. She whispered something to herself “Who was responsible for this ,me?doctors?government?or the entire healthcare system ?”

Managing a pandemic is a sensitive task.

There can be many ways a pandemic can be successfully de-escalated.

Starting from the very base, main priority of the government or health organisations should be to identify patient zero. With the first person identified ,research on the disease becomes way faster with development of vaccines ,ending it before it can even start. Till the time patient zero is identified a lockdown can come in as a game changer to stop the social spread of the virus.

The government can increase the efficiency of this task by learning from the past pandemics and moulding the tasks as per that . A strategic plan made to cover infected areas or the areas with lower health facilities could be made to evenly distribute medical aids in case of emergency. Most important part of the plan would be to improve the medical sector as quick as possible when the pandemic seems to have a slanting graph to prepare for any greater comeback.

Increase in funding of the medical sector at this time would help to cut off India’s reliance on foreign countries for raw materials used in medicine and vaccines.

Lastly if the situation worsens , using or diverting aids from the national defence department or NDRF would be suitable as India apparently is not involved in any war or natural calamities.

Including Shruti’s father,countless people lost their lives in the blink of an eye.

This pandemic proved to be yet another trial to test the limits of our medical capabilities. In such a case weak spots in the health department were exposed with ease. The hospitals were just not ready for what the pandemic had to offer, in result many people shared the same fate as of Shruti’s father.

Black Death, Spanish flu ,Ebola and corona. Countless people lost their lives fighting these invisible killers. Yet what the survivors carry is a sheare will to learn from the mistakes of their past and make use of them in the future.

By: Adil Sayyad

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