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The software analyst and a retired former headmaster lived in two adjacent homes. Both of them bought identical saplings and planted near their house. The software researcher regularly watered the plants along with the chemical fertilizer. The old man used to give only a required water and natural fertilizer to his plants every day.

The young man’s plants looked normal and grew fast, but the old man’s plants grew slow but looked healthy. One night it rained with heavy wind. Both were worried about their plants. Surprisingly, the young man’s plants were uprooted from the soil, but the old man’s plants were standing without any damage. The young man did not understand the reason, why his plants were fallen down and asked to the old farmer about the secrets of his plants. The old man explained that the young man had used chemical fertilizers and watered more than the plant’s need. But the old man fed his plants in the way that gives strength and fertility to the soil.

He fed only natural fertilizer and water for his plants without applying any chemical fertilizer in the needed amount. It will increase the fertility of the soil and strengthens the plant. By using chemical fertilizers, while plants may grow in good manner but it spoils the nature of plant by destroying the soil pigmentation and wealth of the farming land. The software analyst is not the only brother who are unaware of their resistance towards natural fertilizer. Most of the younger communities are mainly using chemical fertilizers and unaware how it damages the fertility of the soil.

It is worth to recollect how our ancestors used the natural fertilizers in 1919s in their agricultural land in the way the soil fertility has been improved day by day. All kinds of crops have been flourished and their method of farming have preserved the soil fertility until these days. Only since chemical fertilizers introduced from 1980s until 2021, our ancestor preserved highly fertile soil has begun decaying into an unfertile and unhealthy nature. If this unhealthy farming continues, it will end up in an irreversible damage to the soil.

The great natural scientist Mr. Nammazhvar’s said that “If lakhs of young people rely on substandard farming, Deceiving the soil of Tamil Nadu become irrevocable.” As he says, as self confidence is an important basic characteristic of a man, for a soil, the natural fertilizer is the basic requirement. Based on Nammazhvar’s saying, “The sower may sleep but the seeds shall not! Keep sowing like the seed If it sprouts, it is tree If not, then it is compost!”

Jai Hind

By: Ruthramoorthy S

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