Intimate letters between a husband working abroad and his wife in the native country

By: Sangamitra

Good husband
Good husband Couple Moving Into New Home And Unpacking Boxes Smiling At Each Other
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Letter from husband to wife :

Dear mine, 

     I hope this letter finds you in the best of health. How are you and our little babies ? I miss you all so much that it’s extremely unbearable. Sitting here alone, writing this letter, feels like being an orphan, separated from my tiny family by miles. Despite being surrounded by thousands of coworkers, I feel very lonely.

     My life here is tough and I’m struggling to manage. The bells instruct every step. If I oversleep, the entire day might be wasted. I have to stand in line for 15 minutes, three times a day, just to get tasteless food. To make matters even worse, I’m only offered cold water for bathing and washing my clothes myself.

     My sweetheart ! I miss you very deeply ! I miss those romantic days we cherished together ! Remember how you would wake me up with those lovely morning kisses, just 45 minutes before the factory time? Those were my day’s boosters !!! As soon as I finished brushing my teeth, you would serve me a refreshing cup of coffee. Before I could even finish my coffee, you would have made my warm bath tub ready and my towel in the hanger. Once I stepped out of the bath, my hand-ironed factory uniform would be waiting, looking smooth and shiny in your hands. Dazzling! 

     You would lovingly prepare my breakfast and the aroma of your cooking would drag me to the kitchen – tasty ! I would enter half-dressed and you would button up my shirt with care, your touch shivering my body ! You would give me the pallu of your saree as soon as I washed my hands and I would compliment, “Food is very wonderful just like you !!!” and you would blush out in love. With our little morning romance, I would leave for the factory, reminding you to stay safe. Those intimate morning moments…!!! My dear ! I now realise that not even a single day I stepped out late despite the hurried 45-minute schedule. 

     Around 12 O’clock in the factory, my tongue would start wandering, thinking about what delicious food you had prepared for lunch. I would wonder if you had already come to the reception and left my lunch there and if you had returned home safely..? Now, I realise that not even a single day you made me wait for my lunch ! You were always on time ! Mrs.Perfect ! My coworkers would be more curious than me about opening my lunch box and would exclaim, “You’re so lucky! Your wife’s cooking is wonderful” I’m not sure if they said it out of jealousy or genuine care but I would start running with goosebumps all over my body with hairs straight up recognizing it’s all because of your lovely care ! The smell of your food would stick in my hands until I reached home at night, constantly reminding you !!!   

      Around 7 O’clock, my excitement to reach home becomes overwhelming. I lose focus at work and start focusing on the clock. As soon as the 8 O’clock bell rings, I’m the first to step out from the factory like a child eager to see their mother after school. My dear ! Do you remember how we both were orphans when we married with almost zero hopes and empty hands? But today, we are parents, blessed with three noble newborns now ! Our family ! On my way back from the factory, I would rush up to buy you flowers, eager to see you sitting at the doorstep, waiting for me with hunger and looking lovelier than ever. It would feel like my breath returned back again. You would welcome me with a wholehearted hug without minding the dirt and sweat I carry back from the factory. I tell you that the aroma of your cooking is my favourite smell and you say that my sweat is your favourite, giving you a sense of protection !!! I’ll hand over my day’s wage to you and you’ll reward me with a relaxing head massage. I would feel my tiredness melt away and rejuvenate. After a refreshing bath, we would sit down together to enjoy a delicious dinner, made special by your love and care even with simple foods. You would serve me turmeric milk and we would chat about our day’s experiences in bed. On days when I’m stressed, you would surprise me with a classical dance performance without me even asking !!!

     Our humble hut, divided into two partitions by cardboard, becomes a palace because of you ! My queen !!!! You make me feel like a king! You are the one who made our simple life extraordinary ! We prayed to the god for one child but the god, seeing our love, blessed us with triplets !!! Surprising us beyond measure ! Though I was a daily wager, you wisely saved money for our unborn child but unfortunately, the complicated triplet pregnancy drained our savings on medical expenses.

     My lady ! Just on the third day of our triplet’s birth, I left for abroad to work, knowing you’re young and alone, accepting the immense responsibility of caring for our three little ones. You are an amazing wife !! So I have no doubt you will be a marvellous mother too !!! I’m working tirelessly here, day and night, to send you money and secure a brighter future for our babies.

      In this unknown place, among unfamiliar people and a new language, I find comfort in the thought that my hard work will pay off in 2-3 years. I’m dreaming of a future where you will be a queen in our grand house with our car and our children studying in good schools and me by your side ! 

     Everything will be alright ! Don’t worry, my love. Take care of yourself and our bubbly babies. I miss you ! 

                                                                                              – With love

                                                                                             Your husband

Reply letter from wife to husband :

Dear husband,

          How are you? How is your health? I’m happy to inform you that our babies are fine. I took them for a checkup and they’re healthy.

        My dear husband ! Your letter touched my heart when you mentioned that you are feeling lonely in spite of being surrounded by thousands of coworkers. I cannot only imagine but can feel you too ! 

Do you know my situation here? Despite being surrounded by our three bubbly babies whom I carried for nine months and for whose future we have made this sorrowful sacrifice, I feel lost and disconnected ! You are my world ! But the distance is overwhelming.

     My life has become so boring. I spend my days breastfeeding, putting the babies to sleep in the cradle, washing their clothes, cleaning the house. That’s my routine now. When we were together, 24 hours a day felt insufficient for our love but now I’m sitting hopelessly near the babies, thinking of you constantly for hours !!! 

     I have lost interest in things that brought us joy like wearing a beautiful saree, combing my long hair or applying kajal, bindi. I have even removed my anklets and bangles as their sounds remind me of you ! I feel like a part of life is missing ! I’m struggling to find meaning in my life without you !!! My love ! I don’t even know whether I’m still alive …? Your absence has left an expanding hole in my heart.

       My king ! Your letter reminded me of those intimate moments we shared together ! But do you know the efforts I take to make those moments so special…..? Those days……I would wake up before sunrise, brush and bath, thinking about what breakfast to prepare for you. I would rush to cook but in complete silence, tiptoeing in the kitchen, carefully not to disturb your sleep in the next room, tired from working at the factory. Even today, whenever our babies sleep, the complete silence in our home, reminds me of those peaceful mornings!!! I would wake you up with those day boosters – a gentle kiss !!! With one eye on the coffee maker and the other on you, I would see if you were ready to get up orelse if you need a somemore day boosters !!! 

      You would peep into the kitchen, half-dressed, to have a glance at my cooking. I’d lovingly button up your shirt while stirring the food to prevent over-cooking. Those intimate morning moments were a delight but my mind would soon round the clock, counting down the minutes until your factory shift began. As soon as you left, my daily search for the freshest vegetables in the market would start. Every day, I would eagerly drop off your lunch at the reception with the hope to see you at least that day. My heart would run in excitement. Coming back home, washing your clothes, the smell of your sweat would transport me back to our romantic moments !!! My love ! Every second was filled with your thoughts !!!

       In the evening, I would cook with love, thinking of what beautiful flowers you would bring home and the new dance moves I could perform to surprise you !!! You were the rhythm that filled my life !!! The melody that made my heart cherished !!! 

       But now, every knock on the door makes me wonder whether it’s you! Every time the postmaster passes our house, I eagerly look to see whether there’s a letter from you! My heartbeat ! Do you know that I’ve started sleeping on the floor beside our baby’s cradle? Since our bed and pillows remind me of your fragrance! The pillow seems to mock me, saying, “Your man is not home, you can’t rest on his chest ! So come and rest your head on me !”It’s too much for me to tolerate. I have lost interest in cooking and now survive just by eating curd rice three times a day ! Nothing tastes as good as the last piece of food you fed me from your plate with your own hands daily ! 

        As orphans, we longed for parent’s love. So, let’s not deny our babies the father’s love and care. Let them grow up with you being their backbone ! My husband ! My love ! My man !!! Understand the depth of my longing through the shades of tears this letter carries !

      Why should you wake up to a bell? Why should you stand in line for food? Why should you bathe in cold water? I’m here to serve you with all the love and care. I don’t need a grand house or a car ! All I need is you !!! My dear ! When you’re by my side, our humble hut feels like a palace. But even if I build a palace with the money you send, it’s just brick and cement without you !

      My king ! Please consider returning home !!! I miss you more than my words can express !!!

                                                                                                       Ever missing,


By: Sangamitra

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