Interview of Ashlesha Shivanand Bhalare (Monomousumi Monthly Essay Writing Contest Achievers)

Monomousumi Monthly Essay Writing Contest Achievers| Ashlesha Shivanand Bhalare

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Mononomosumi is an ISO certified  Edutech Platform, that brings together technology to the education sector and providing requisite support to students, writers and school administrations. It is awarded with various accolades such as “Best Education & Technology Platform — India, 2020”, Best creative Website. Shiksha Bharti Award etc. and featured in various reputed media houses. Monomousumi has been successfully conducting international writing contests for several years since May 2018 with thousands of participants nationally and internationally.

Here we are introducing interview series of the winners of different writing contests organized by us.

Please introduce yourself in brief

Before answering to – ‘what describes me in front of the world’, I’d like to thank Almighty & my parents for bringing me into this world. Moving on to introducing myself: Hi, hello everyone. I’m Ashlesha.Shivanand.Bhalare. I was born and brought up in Belagavi, a district located in North Karnataka, along the western ghats of India. As the city borders Maharashtra & Goa, it reflects a medley of cultures and traditions. That was how, I got acquainted to different languages like Kannada, Hindi, Marathi, English and French (because I had taken it up as my additional language during 11th and 12th std). I completed my Schooling & Pre-university education from Belagavi and further completed my graduation from Bangalore. I was also part of National Cadet Corps (NCC). Recently, I was shortlisted for an SSB (service selection board) interview in which, I had successfully cleared the first round on day 1, but unfortunately met with a fracture during one of the physical tasks on day 4, and hence, couldn’t make my way towards joining the Armed forces. Nevertheless, as they say “everything has a crack & that’s how, light gets in”. Thus, it served and still serves to be a royal experience which I carry throughout my life. At present, I’m preparing for Union public service commission (UPSC) exam, to soon call myself as the Civil servant, serving this Nation, to the best of my ability. My parents, teachers & friends opine, that I am diligent & honest in my endeavors; and undertake every task with desire, passion and hard work. They believe that I’m often creative with fearless mind & possess impressive social skills with an enthusiastic and sporting nature; alongside, also being blessed with courage and leadership qualities. I consider myself fortunate for seeking such instrumental support & encouragement from all of them & personally feel indebted to their generous words. I believe my main qualities include – good communication skills, own substantial perseverance, exhibit a sharp determination & dedication, always true to my duty & genuine to my principles, like to explore unknown dimensions of life, an active co-curricular participant, own paramount patriotism towards country & ever ready to serve the holy land & fellow citizens. “Taking life from a very straight approach & facing it with an inborn craving for development, along with a stubborn attitude, for achieving holistic & a comprehensive progress”; is a mantra which tames my personality.

What are your prominent achievements?

1. I had secured an All-India Rank 02 in a National level Quiz contest conducted by Human Resource Development of India. 2. Cleared Karnataka Pratibha Academy’s State Level G.K examination with ‘distinction’. 3. Was fortunate enough to have had been a part of School cabinet with the portfolio of ‘Child Right’s President’. 4. Represented Karnataka & Goa directorate at New Delhi during the Republic Day camp, NCC. 5. Represented INDIA at Singapore during the International Cadet Exchange Programme/Youth Exchange Programme, NCC. 6. Published a technical paper during an International Conference, Pune. 7. Author of a non-technical article published in an international book. 8. Represented Bangalore as a Delegate during an AOSEC conference of ISRO. 9. Won several Inter-school, Inter-college, Inter-state, National & International awards & certificates in Quiz contests, debates, extempore, public speaking, essay writing competitions.

When did you participated in the monomousumi writing contest and what was your rank?

July 2020 – Outstanding; May 2022 – First prize; June 2022 – Praiseworthy.

What is your weakest point and how do you overcome it?

I sometimes stress myself & my loved ones when I get nervous and tend to lose my temper, which I’m currently working up on, by cultivating sense of calmness & patience & making this cultivation, a daily habit, inorder to achieve tranquility. I personally feel that as individuals, we all have some flaws within ourselves, but it’s only in embracing the flaws gracefully, that a flaw can finely and finally, fall-out. Inculcating the art of stoic demeanor attitude & facing every good/bad circumstance with an unwavering patience & unflinching emotional equipoise in life, should be a ‘must have’ attitude over a ‘could have’ one.

Who is your idol and why?

Smt Sudha Murthy, Dr. Kiran Bedi(IPS), IAS Srusthi Deshmukh, IAS Surabhi Gautam and Dr. Vishwas Patil(IPS) are some of the prominent stalwarts of the Nation, whom I regard as my idols. I consider the above-mentioned legends as my idols, not to imitate them or to become yet another replication of theirs, but to largely follow their charismatic action/s or styles of speech to imbibe within myself, a sense of optimistic aura, especially when in low times, because, although motivation lives right within us, it frequently needs a knock from outside, as much as from inside. Most often, watching or listening to their talks; helps me segregate my thoughts & enables me to re-ignite my energy for accomplishing my goals/tasks undertaken. All of them own one common characteristic feature in them, i.e., none of them fall for phrases like “Try later, cannot process, quit, error not rectified”; instead, stand undeterred even under precarious situation & achieve light at the end of the tunnel. What fascinates me is that each of them ‘made & make use of their success, to make others successful’.

Which inspires you the most why you would like to emulate them?

The two most pivotal and precious pearls of my life from whom I seek lavishing inspiration from, are: my “Mom” and the “Episodes that my Life gifts me with”. I admire my Mom because she is a pro-active perfectionist in managing multi-tasks & I really appreciate the manner in which she skillfully organizes her different works in a vibrant manner and looks after every bit and every morsel, of not of her life alone, but of all of our lives too. At times, seeing her perform complex tasks, sends a chill down my spine, yet, she never fails to pierce blasts of ‘victory trumpets’ after completing every task. It is this one major quality of hers, which makes me embark upon gaining momentum, and helps me propel & immerse myself towards my destination. The second eminent source of my inspiration is, my Life & electrifying Lessons that it bestows me with, always & all-time. What truly substantiates this statement is/are some of the profound experiences that I witnessed in my life. Many times, when I thought that – ‘this is how I’d be writing my exam or this is how I would conduct myself in an event/competition’, but “who I thought I would want to be v/s who I become or how I perform”, emerge out to be highly contrasting in reality. In other words, I get to see two different versions of my own self in between ‘who I was and who I become’ in within a span of 30 seconds. Hence, it is in moments like these, that I get to realize my innate capability. Some instances call for improvements and while some others encapsulate for applauds. And eventually, these are the feats that help me make composed decisions in my life & it would be legitimate to say that, it is purely Life & the happenings in life which help me to “even my odds” by ‘streamlining(analyzing) it before streaming(selecting) it’.

What keeps you motivated in your life?

So, it may sound bit peculiar or bizarre to know that, what motivates me is nothing but an elegant failure. I strongly believe that every failed scenario of my life has always choreographed my strength and unveiled my capacity. It helps me get more resolute in pursuing my dream & carves out a burning desire to attain it. It instils in me, a constructive confidence which makes me re-build everything, even after facing good number of bads. I remember having tough time for too long when I used to shield my failure to save myself from facing embarrassments, but little later realized, that when any comfort is made more comfortable, it only causes discomfort & hence, we ought to treat failures, not as fireworks, but as spotlights, which abruptly enhance the trajectory of our growth. It’s not so glorious to know as to ‘how much you struggle’, but pleasing to know as to ‘how you struggle’ & that alone can lead you towards exerting relentless hard-work & provides space for improvement. Thus, failures did not become an obstruction in my life but a phenomenal panacea, which, though appeared to be hilly initially, turned out flat, gradually. Failures have always helped me to ‘move up whenever I moved on’ & beautifully painted my thoughts & my life with colors of optimism and contentment. So, it’s the failure which I regard as my genie behind my motivation.

Where do you see yourself after 5 years from now and what is your ultimate goal?

After 5 years from now on, I see myself representing my cadre as an able administrator or a District collector or as a Superintendent of police at a particular city/district/state or as an Indian ambassador, overseas. Irrespective of my designation, I will definitely be found serving my Nation. My ultimate goal in life is to implement the examples of great collections of humanities, by integrating people who can swallow the ideals of diligence & optimism, in order to provide to the world, best evidences of a happy & a progressive society. I want to traverse from strength to strength & help everybody to shine like a diamond, to enable one and to enable all, to experience ‘royalty without kingdom’ by helping one another. Dynamism hidden in the universe needs to be discovered by realizing, that all of us are ‘presents for today & presents for every day’. At the end of the day, I will abide by and want others also to adhere to, being a ‘learn-it-all’ homosapien over being a ‘know-it-all’, because, though ‘know-it-all’ has more propensity, a ‘learn-it-all’ will do it ultimately. Let us understand that we are all created on purpose for a purpose, & look ahead instead of looking back, and make our ‘todays as the tomorrows, that we all spoke about, in our yesterdays’.

What is there in your wish list?

This question seems to trigger my pulse and visualize my heart beat, because it truly is extremely special to me. So, here are some of my wishes lodged in my Wishlist: a. I honestly wish to witness a world, free of ailments of all types and forms, be it internal or external, intensive or extensive, intentional or accidental, physical or spiritual, national or international, prejudices or stereotypes; and let wars of knowledge prevail over wars of weapons, so that, wisdom can take away egos of each other and not lives of one another, from one another. b. If at all I attain a time-machine someday, I wish to visit the Kaliyuga era & feel the bliss of inhabiting the place shared by Gods, having no trace of pessimism, with myself being a mere devotee. c. I would also feel elated if I get to meet all my idols under one roof, someday. d. My biggest wish is that I aspire to see people striving, to make-good get better, by knowing, as to how good, the good is, & become reasons for others to believe in goodness. e. To enjoy every millisecond of my life as long as I’m alive, but when I strike my last hour, I should be intertwined and enwrapped in the Indian Tri-colored Flag.

Any memory which you would like to share to the world?

It was in 2011, when I received a badge that had on it, my name besides the portfolio of ‘Child rights president’ in my School. To somebody who had dreamt of it since her 5th std by gazing her seniors, it marked for a moment of utter joy, to have had become capable of holding the prestigious badge of honor. Thereafter, it was on 26th December, 2013, when yet another enchanting incident occurred in my life. It was on this very holy day, in between post-Christmas & pre-new year, when I got selected to represent Karnataka & Goa directorate, NCC, at New Delhi. A dream dreamt from real long, found its accomplishment on this very day. Apparently, this moment which called for celebration, had put many things at stake & had even sneaked upon rejection when I had tried for it in 2011. But, as they say, “wisdom comes to those who enjoy life, and not race through it”; I had understood that certainly, some element of luck becomes pivotal in every occasion, but, if your hard work combined with pure performance & copious sweat, reaches to an extent, where you relentlessly exhibit freakish zeal & an outstanding mental framework, all the blocks reserved for luck, turn in your favor and you get to write your own destiny. After the two magnificent moments of my life, when I thought that, I had enough of it, I met with yet another golden incident in my life. It was on 19th of November, 2014 when I officially boarded the Air India Flight to Singapore, in order to represent INDIA in an International cadet exchange programme, as an NCC Cadet. I must say that God has been really kind on me for gifting me with something as huge as this, without my expectation. My aspirations w.r.t NCC had gotten over after I got to march on RAJPATH on January 26th,2014. But God helped me to call myself an Indian delegate and not just cadet from Karnataka & goa directorate. It justified for all the efforts that I had taken, not only since when I got enrolled into NCC, but even before that. I felt like none of my sacrifices/dedication ever went in vain, rather, the depth of my struggle determined the height of my success. So, there ain’t anything wrong when we encounter hardships in life, but the entire game lies in catching the right formula of endurance and tenacious diligence, which makes you, the rightful proprietor of your achievement. So, after experiencing some worthful times of my life, very little did I know that what laid ahead, was even more exciting than all that took place earlier to this. The curve of my ‘happy times’ got staggered thrice thereafter. Once, when I couldn’t make it up to joining MBBS course as I fell short of marks required for it; second time when engineering (though had found one of the topmost universities of the country) started acting against my confidence; and third time was when I met with a major fracture, despite being really close to donning olive-green uniform as an Army officer. But what I initially considered unhappening, enlightened me towards believing, that in between 3 goods and 3 bads, it was the team of latter, that actually led me to prosperity, by directing my passion and finding my purpose, in leading my way. I learnt to sharpen my flair with being more magnanimous than before, and began to view the world from the lens of a chivalrous mindset. Slowly and steadily, I re-incarnated my lifestyle and inclined it solely towards unleashing my strengths, for the betterment of others, and it made wonders. This time, I again started to sight my statistics of success progressing, through winning international competitions & attaining good scores in various tests/exams/contests etc. All the auspicious moments which I witnessed thereafter, were a result of not of my individual maneuvers alone, but a collective effort of all. I sensed satisfaction and enormous joy, not in walking behind or ahead of people and the world, but along with the world and people by my side. My major takeaways so far have been two ideals. One – we ought to learn to accept failures because failure is not when ‘you accept failure’, but failure is failure when ‘you fail to accept failure’. It helps us absorb and discuss the path to discovery, by radiating positivity everywhere. Second – if at all we aspire to attain something in life, we must try with all our might, making no bones about, and go all the way to fetch it; otherwise, not even start at all! All these watershed scenarios of my life confirmed yet another trait of mine i.e. I never perform anything less than my potential, and if something interests me, I give my everything to it, by stretching myself beyond my capability and capacity and accomplish it, but if something lacks in creating an interest in me, I never even try it at first place, & most importantly, I take pride in confronting my temporary failures, in order to obtain & build, a permanent prosperity.

What’s one thing that make you different from your peers?

My friends often tell me that I am a reliable friend, who can appreciate the selfless service of others & does not let people’s efforts/achievements to go unnoticed, rather bring them into limelight & make them feel special about themselves. I second their words because I strongly believe, that the ‘roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness’. And it’s in expressing your gratitude to others or in cherishing their triumphs, when you make them feel the bliss of their treasures in life. This quality not only helps your friends to cement for a strong bonding with you, but also lets both of you to have an open, honest & tough conversation without getting upset, only to reach over settled opinions and assist each other to dive deep into the waters of exultation. In friendships, it becomes quintessential to not only make new friends, but to maintain those friendships forever; and that is possible, only when you value the worth of every individual in your life. As rightly said – it’s easy to get anything in life; be it – friendships or money/wealth/power/status/position etc but very challenging, to preserve it, once you’ve gotten it in life. So, we should always mean well and do well and help each other advance towards delightful winnings and drink the nectar of happiness by witnessing the joy of their jollification, for, the real satisfaction resides in dancing over others’ celebration and ultimate happiness is in enjoying the merrymaking together.

What are your hobbies and how do you balance your profession/studies with your hobbies? 

My hobbies comprise of reading books like those of autobiographies or novels, writing essays, participating in public speaking events, debates, and any activity related to literature, is something which encompasses as my hobby. I hold special inclination towards literary events. Afcourse, I do play badminton also at times, but that’s only to keep myself active; whereas what keeps me alive and in the orbit of longevity is/are the literary based competitions/events/activities. Heading onto the next question about balancing my studies with my hobbies – I don’t bifurcate between my studies and hobbies, but very much carry both of them along. Infact, luckily, essay writing is also one of the papers in UPSC, so my passion and my hobby go hand-in-hand every day. Yes, when I was an undergraduate, my academic curriculum never consisted of essay writing/ literature related subject and hence, during those days, essay had become very much ‘extra’ from the curriculum and hence, extra-curricular, and I had to take time out for it. I remember how I used to wait for my college to conduct such competitions when I could exhibit my writing skills or oratory skills, because in technical courses, to sight such competitions was quite rare and not something which we could find every now and then. Those were the times that made me realize my adoration for writing. Although I was aware that these talents had sheltered within me from too long, the intensity of their impacts and the fact that they were inseparable from me, was understood when I missed them more. As they say – ‘you realize as to what you love more in your life, only when you tend to miss it the most’; similarly, I had gauged the importance of extra-curriculars in my life too. Fortunately, at present, I don’t need to spice my run to participating into such competitions, because now, they are no longer extra to me, but rather, very much a part and parcel of my day-to-day schedule, and competitions or events like these help me refresh myself and simultaneously expand my knowledge from every corner of my life, something for which I will always be thankful for.

What are your writing tips for your peers? Do you have any advice for aspirants of writing contests?

To the aspirants, I’d suggest that before you write on any particular topic, make detailed research about it. Make use of newspapers, magazines, books, articles, online sources etc and read before writing, because to write right, one needs to read right too. Develop a proper schematic understanding of the topic and enjoy reading to an extent, where you feel like you’re travelling without moving your feet. Live the moments which you read and personify your imaginations, inorder to get invaluable insight about the topic. Once, you set the foundational podium right, then, illuminate it with your words. Please note, that there’s a great difference between reading, writing using a pen and typing using a keyboard. So, if you feel like you’ve sculpted out some good point in your mind and want to include it in your writing, but fear of forgetting it, make sure to jot them down somewhere before they could dissipate away. Garnish your content with innovative ideas and points because, innovation is emerging as the single most important factor for sustained success, in almost every sphere these days. Incorporate for effective technique of recreating the magic of a concept by expressing out your content in a more ornamental manner & leave telling to the books. Fundamentally, one needs to go through an exciting process of learning, involving, mind-tuning, reading, re-reading, filtering, cutting, adding, creating, re-creating etc to unravel your true potential and it’s only then, when you would truly ‘stand out, even if you’re all out’.

What would you like to do your bit for the society?

I read many cases of school dropouts, devastation of lives and early marriages due to lack of facilities, opportunities & shortage of food. Thus, revamping their prospects & helping various initiatives to restore women & child empowerment, would be my primary objective. Next, I wish to avail to the marginalized & vulnerable sections of the society & to all the respective beneficiaries, with an available, accessible & affordable healthcare service/s. In addition, I would also like to make public services, more efficient and robust. I aspire to reach out to every that individual and/or group who undervalue the importance of education & address their misconceptions through sophisticated talks & discussions, and hereby usher them towards utilizing knowledge & wisdom for burgeoning flourishment in their lives, and concurrently, encourage people who have adapted themselves to the progressive measures, by providing them with incentives & rewards to help them continue their evolutions for attaining useful reforms. I enjoy the satisfaction that I feel, especially when my work attains a tangible outcome, when it assists & becomes of some use to others. There was once upon a time when all that was at one’s disposal was ‘not much of all that we could ask for’ and then it slowly got converted to getting handy of ‘pretty much everything we could ask for’, and little later, got altered to obtaining ‘everything we could ask for’, with the latest arrival of ‘what more could we even ask for’? With all that’s available in the society and the Nation, it’s in each of us to aid and uplift one another and make this better world, the best world to live in; because empowered aspects empower aspects. Its only when we work for a cause and not for applause, that we will realize that we belong to the world and the world belongs to us. Ultimately, social development is not a social service but a rightful duty and an obligation on all of us. Let’s play our part well and make our Nation take pride in us, as much as pride we take in calling ourselves as Indians.

Do you think participating in Monomousumi contest helped you in anyway?

First and foremost, I’d like to express my gratitude to the entire team of monomousumi for selecting me as the winner of the international essay contest. It truly was a marvelous experience for having had participated in the competition. I’d also like to congratulate all the other winners as well, and to the ones who couldn’t make it this time, please remember that every rejection is always a re-direction. So, re-direct & re-orient yourselves towards analyzing your past mistakes and come back and smash it on the next time. Moving on to the question – yes, monomousumi contest has definitely helped me in many ways. I have to mention that the kind of inquisitive topics it comes up with, every month, are invariably lucrative and cover all realms and domains. They helped me to furbish my vocabulary with the introduction of new terms and phrases in my dictionary. I learnt to articulate my point of view with greater magnitude and the art of displaying facts in a more decorative manner was absorbed. It helped me to get a hold over the knack of choosing words at the time of making or beautifying my opinion, so that my viewpoint reached to the readers, clearly and correctly. It helped me to expand my vision, and it wouldn’t be wrong to state that reading & re-reading conferred upon me with advantages, which added many vantages in my life. Kudos to the team of monomousumi for such an initiative and a bundle of thanks again.

How did you come across Monomousumi and share your experience with this platform?

Well, that recalls for a very interesting story. So, I’m this type of personality who’s always been addicted to participating in extra-curriculars since my childhood. Infact I can even recollect my school days when my parents used to visit my school, not only to pick me up from and/or drop me into, the school premises, but to actually make a short-trip to the notice board to find if there was any upcoming competition as such, and if they did find one, they’d make sure to register my name; and that was how, I started getting familiarized with the extra-curriculars. Apparently, this trend continued during my higher education as well. So, as long as we are students of a particular school/college/university, it becomes quite easy to know about the happening of different competitions, either through your teachers or peer groups or notice-boards. But, suddenly, when you’re all a graduate, not associated with your college any longer and are all by yourself, it becomes a daunting task, especially in those initial days, to find out about the competitions. Afcourse, it does teach you to become self-reliant and helps you to draw your own way, yet, a quick jerk is felt at the start. Similarly, I too had begun to experience an incomplete feeling in me when I sought a pause in my journey of extra-curriculars after my graduation. That rekindled and urged me to surf online, to find for competitions, precisely literary based contests. That led me to move from periphery to centre and I came across Monomousumi. The minute I went through its guidelines, I really fell in love with the concept of the competition and what captivated my attention was/were its attributes like: There was no age restriction, the entire process right from submission of an essay up till announcement of result and also publishing of essays online, was all free of cost. Very importantly, a unique trait that was found exclusively in this one was – no word limit, afcourse minimum word count is fixed but not a maximum word limit, thereby providing for a free hand to writers to shower as much as writing they want to and full-stop would be inserted only when one wishes to put, but not owing to any external restriction as such. Rewards in the form of certificates/trophies/medals and not through prize money, clearly indicated its motto of enhancing the writing skills of the aspirants. All of it conveyed the pure sacrosanctity with which it worked and thus, I chose for monomousumi.

Anything other you wish to share..

Lately, I came across an article where a survey revealed, that more than half of the global youth population has turned itself away from reading newspapers/ watching news, because they aspire to sprint up the ladder of competition and not climb each rung at a measured pace; and Indian students also account for multiple digits in the same report. That’s quite dismaying to know that youngsters, who are supposed to sensitize themselves about the ongoing events of their surroundings, are demonstrating a limited or rather, an inadequate interest towards obtaining knowledge. Infact, that takes me to quoting my dad’s words which he reiterates to me, quite often. He says – “I very well know that you would definitely stick to your syllabus and will complete it in due time too. But, that’s not important. What’s more significant is, for you to know and be aware of what’s happening in and around you; not because you’d have to appear for some competitive exam which demands you to know current affairs (which apparently suits the current scenario), but to know as to what’s in surplus and what’s in deficit in the society, so that you can contribute from your end, towards the welfare of the society and Nation, by and large.” I completely comply with and give my assent to, his suggestion and keep myself aligned with the current and world affairs. But I want to largely emphasize upon the importance of general knowledge to my young friends too. It isn’t sufficient to excel in Euler’s equations or Maxwell’s laws or Darwin’s theories or Pythagoras theorems in contemporary world, but a collaborative intelligence of textbook knowledge integrated with general knowledge alone will help you to strike a stellar performance in your lives, and will efficiently prepare you to face and ace the challenges in life. It’s only when we update, upgrade and integrate our knowledge and skills, that we escalate our wisdom and save ourselves from feeling alienated, especially when we encounter such and such situations in our lives. Most of us could be university toppers too, but we shouldn’t forget that our universities gift us with systematic syllabus copy, comprising of distribution & weightage of marks for different topics and even most expected questions too, in some cases. But life never provides us with any prescribed blueprint as such. Infact, every scenario in life comes with unprecedented intimation and every incident weighs of equal importance. Therefore, we need to approach an unpredictable life by accommodating ourselves with enormous amount of knowledge and basic awareness. All of us are like rough diamonds and it is only in process of cleansing, chiseling & polishing; that metamorphoses each diamond individually to unlock our full potential and hence, it has to be a life-long feature.

Your thought on “Essay

To begin with, a conventional essay writing that has been followed since time immemorial includes: an introduction, a body and a conclusion. This forms for a subtle skeleton of an essay. However, what goes inside this outline is what makes a difference. The prerequisites required before you could even hold your pen/keyboard are: – a predominant research about the topic which you choose to write upon, designing an appropriate mind-map which accelerates your thoughts into words and pre-planned structure of how, what, why, when and where you’d wish to place your favorite phrases or terms. After you have nurtured the roots of your essay, you could step up to adding necessary nutrition into introducing the topic, by compiling all the above-mentioned points. Now, a topic can be introduced in different ways and styles. Some like to introduce by defining the topic, while some others like to start by illustrating facts & figures and some others choose to begin with quotes or proverbs. One could opt for any one, without any dilemma, since all the three ways hold good. After this, you can categorize your content into classifications (if required), or elaborate the topic by etching out some of the real time examples and/or experiences inorder to justify your content. Throughout the essay, every part, be it introduction or body or conclusion is equally important, but I believe that what serves as a ‘make or break’ moment is the part which involves description of the topic. Hence, it becomes inevitable to mold the description with an intellectually stimulating content. For any write-up to outweigh in its content, it should command for attention and that can happen only when it is exhibited creatively, using quotes and metaphoric way of expressions. For e.g.: ‘If you plant in plenty, you will live for another twenty’ is a decorative manner of conveying the message of “cause and consequence of longer life span is greater plantation”. We can infer from both the statements that the former influenced more than the latter, all thanks to creativity behind it. Thereafter, heading onto conclusion. This should largely comprise of your point of view, possible challenges and solutions in the way forward. This interprets for an apt presentation of a fine essay.

Write and Win: Participate in Creative writing Contest & International Essay Contest and win fabulous prizes.


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