By: Arthita Dutta

Reflections SHADOWS
Reflections SHADOWS
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“Hello, my love. Did you take your meds?” Evelyn asked.

“Darling, I told you I don’t need any meds. I don’t understand what you’re talking about,” Henry said in an irritated tone.

Her heart sank. She had tried everything to convince him—loving requests, sweet pleas, even tantrums. She didn’t understand why he wouldn’t listen to her. Evelyn had begged him to consult a psychiatrist, but he refused. His hallucinations were getting more vivid.

“I don’t need any of this right now. I’m leaving for work, and don’t irritate me with phone calls,” Henry said firmly before leaving.

Evelyn sighed and went to the kitchen to chop vegetables for lunch. Her mind drifted back to when they first met. Evelyn and Henry had been colleagues at an office where they worked together. They had fallen in love over shared cups of tea and long conversations. Henry had confided in her about his abusive father, and Evelyn had felt an overwhelming need to protect him.

At first, everything had been perfect when they moved in together. But one day, Henry had said, “Evelyn, see! He’s right there. He has the belt in his hand. He’s drunk—tell him to go away!”

She had shaken her head, trying to understand. She held him in her arms and said, “Look at me, Henry. There’s no one there. What are you talking about?” But Henry wouldn’t listen. He kept insisting his father was in the room.

The sound of the doorbell jolted Evelyn out of her thoughts. She opened the door to find her best friend, Mary, who had just returned from abroad two days ago.

“Hello, Evelyn. It’s been so long!” Mary said cheerfully, giving Evelyn a tight hug.

Evelyn hugged her back. “Make yourself comfortable. I’ll make my famous mocktailq.”

Mary sat down on the couch, taking in the surroundings. Evelyn returned with the drinks and sat beside her.

“So, when am I meeting your handsome boyfriend?” Mary asked, her tone playful.

Evelyn gave a shy smile. “He’s very busy with work, you know, being a software engineer and all.”

Mary nodded knowingly. “So, tell me more about this Henry,” she said, leaning in with curiosity.

Evelyn smiled fondly. “He’s perfect—sweet, loving, romantic, and caring.”

Mary reached out and took Evelyn’s hand, her gaze sincere. “I’m happy for you. But I think it’s time you introduced me to this amazing man.”

Evelyn laughed nervously. “Maybe this weekend? We could all meet up for dinner.”

The following evening, Evelyn stood outside a chic restaurant, dressed to impress. She checked her phone for the hundredth time to confirm the time. Mary arrived soon after, her cheeks flushed from the cold and a scarf wrapped around her neck.

“You look amazing,” Mary said, giving Evelyn a warm hug.

“Thank you,” Evelyn replied with a smile.

Mary glanced around. “Is Henry here yet?”

Evelyn’s face lit up. “Oh, here he is—my handsome man!”

Mary smiled and turned to look, but her expression quickly faltered.

“Evelyn… where?” Mary asked hesitantly.

Evelyn chuckled. “He’s right there, Mary. What do you mean?”

Mary’s face grew serious. “Evelyn, is this some kind of joke?”

Evelyn’s smile faded. “What are you talking about? Look, Henry! Mary’s here—my best friend, the funniest one I know!”

Mary’s worried expression deepened. Evelyn stared at her friend, then back at where she thought Henry stood.

Her voice cracked as she spoke again. “He’s right there, Mary. Can’t you see him? Why can’t you see him? He looks so handsome… smiling at me.”

By: Arthita Dutta

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