In Healthy Lifestyle, Physical Activity and Heart Health Plays Important Role

By: Tiara Ananda Arifah

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A healthy lifestyle is something we hear all the time, but often ignore. Being healthy is something that everyone wants. Not only physically healthy, but also mentally healthy. A healthy lifestyle is a choice for everyone, this includes investing in a healthy body in old age. So that we can live a longer, active, and quality life.

Many people do not realise that one way to live a healthy lifestyle is through regular physical activity. Physical activity has a very good impact on our health, especially heart health. Heart health is a major factor in maintaining overall body health.

The heart is a vital organ that is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body, providing oxygen and nutrients needed by our cells. If the heart is not functioning properly, various health problems can arise, including coronary heart disease, stroke, and heart failure that can lead to death.

Physical activity is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle for optimal heart health. Physical activity is key in maintaining optimal heart health. Exercising regularly has a positive impact on the heart and blood vessels. Thus, physical activity helps strengthen the heart muscle, improves blood circulation, and optimises blood pressure.

It especially helps control cholesterol and blood sugar levels, which are major risk factors for heart disease. Thus, physical activity has a huge impact on our heart health. The more we move, the better the heart muscle and blood pressure will be, but still in portions if tired immediately rest and drink plenty of water because if too tired too much is also not good for other body functions.

In addition, exercising regularly can help with weight control. Obesity is a major risk factor for heart disease, and exercising is an effective way to burn calories and maintain a healthy weight. Physical activity also helps control stress, which can also negatively impact heart health.

There are several types of Physical Activities that Help Heart Health including:

  • Walking: Walking is the simplest but most effective physical activity that people do unconsciously. It helps improve blood circulation, reduces the risk of heart disease, and can be done anywhere.
  • Cycling: Cycling is a good way to strengthen the heart muscle, improve cardiovascular fitness, and make it easier for the heart to pump blood.
  • Swimming: Swimming is a non-load-bearing exercise that is gentle on the joints and excellent for heart health. Many people with heart problems are advised by doctors to swim as this physical activity increases heart strength, improves blood circulation and reduces blood pressure. In addition, swimming can also control weight and burn calories, which can reduce the risk of obesity in the body, which is one of the main triggers of heart health.
  • Running: Running is a high-level activity that burns calories and helps strengthen the heart muscle. However, it may not be suitable for everyone, especially for those with joint problems.

Physical activity should be an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. To develop this habit, incorporating physical activity in a healthy lifestyle can consider several steps such as setting realistic goals, being health literate, scheduling time, choosing physical activities that we enjoy, inviting friends or family to make it more fun, and most importantly regular check-ups with doctor.

Physical activity is an important investment in heart health and overall wellness. By incorporating it into a healthy lifestyle, you can improve your quality of life and reduce risk of heart disease. Remember that good heart health is something we can control, and physical activity is one of the main keys.

The conclusion about Physical Activity and Heart Health in a Healthy Lifestyle is that physical activity is the most important key in maintaining heart health in a healthy lifestyle. By exercising regularly, we can strengthen our heart, control our blood pressure, manage our weight, and reduce our risk of heart disease.

This is an important step in keeping the heart healthy and functioning properly, and should be an integral part of living a lifestyle that supports overall health. Combined with a healthy diet and reduced stress, physical activity forms the basis for optimal heart health.

Therefore, it is important for all individuals to prioritise and integrate physical activity into their daily routine to maintain heart health and improve overall quality of life.

By: Tiara Ananda Arifah

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