By: Mahua Mallick

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Christmas eve was painted red,

Celebrations in the air had spread.

Santa was all geared up to visit

Little heads tiptoeing through dreams,

In their soft cosy  bed filled with moonbeams.


The society gate was illuminated and bright,

Fashion was at its height.

The  residents vied with each other

Their hollow laughter, filled the night sky.

After all it was a society of the rich and social butterflies.


In a corner silently stood Mr. Sharma’s flat,

Amidst celebrations trembling  with fear.

As the family helplessly watched  Daddy Dear,

Groaning and moaning in acute pain.

Was it his liver, gut or heart? Nothing was clear.

Mrs. Sharma’s cheeks had traces of tears.

It was his anguish ,she could not bear.


The family doctor was summoned quick,

A prescription scribbled  in just a click,

They waited for the delivery boy with the life –saving medicines.

Within a jiffy,  their saviour stood  at the door

 their real-life Santa, with medicines to restore hope.


The delivery boy was elated,

His last duty for the day done,

Now he could go back home

On this Christmas eve to his little-ones.

Ah! They were eagerly waiting for Dear Santa to come.


A car swerved and hit him near the society gate,

In no time, things had turned an ugly red.

A drunk Mr. Agarwal was at the wheels, 

So what? Wasn’t Christmas-Eve  meant for fun.

He did not bother to stop or turn.


The society’s pavement screamed red,

Ruby lips of the deep gash on the boy’s chin

Oozed fresh blood from within.

A good Samaritan extricated his leg from under the wheels.                                                      

Shifted him  to a nearby small clinic, but  who would pay his bills?


A crowd gathered immediately, but did anyone care?

Each busy with his expert comments and hollow air.

Some even thought of making reels,  they had  news to share.

Mrs. Agarwal In her pretty red gown came out and shrieked

Not a single penny would they shell,

It was the boy’s fault , she yelled.


The couple raved and ranted with all their might,

They were filthy rich, so they were right.

Inhumanity won and sniggered  with a wicked glee.

He had brought humanity on her knee.

 Humanity lost the tug of war without any doubt,

In absolute silence, she hung her head and walked out.


The crowd dispersed,

It was Christmas eve.

Frolicking and merry-making was at its peak.

Who bothered about a poor delivery boy,

Or the little ones who eagerly waited for their Dad

To come back home with toys.


Few tried showering sympathy genuinely fake.

The prestige of the sophisticated  society was at stake

Nobody wanted the police or the media for their own sake.

They waited for the president of the society

To come and cut the freshly baked cake.                


The clock struck twelve   

It was Christmas morn

Time for the world with fresh promises,

To meet  a new dawn.

A dawn which would break all barriers grey,

Let us all  come together and pray.


Let us  buy dozens of smile, hug and cheer,

Gift it to every soul far and near,

Wrap each one in a blanket of compassion, love and joy

Irrespective of being a rich man or a delivery boy.

Let us help Humanity win the crown with fame,

Inhumanity bow its head and leave in ignominious shame.


(This poem is inspired by a real incident which took place in front of my eyes. I was a mere spectator  and was unable to do much. Hope my pen can give voice to the thoughts I could not express at that point)

By: Mahua Mallick

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