How to write dialogue in an essay

By: Muhamad Rizky FathurRahman Subekti

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Making Essay Dialogues

The first is done in making essay dialogues, namely by determining a specific topic.

Essay is a type of writing that contains our views or opinions on a phenomenon. Before starting to write, it is important for us to determine a good and specific topic, which is neither too broad nor too narrow in discussion and the language can be understood. For example, we want to talk about sports. This topic is still too broad to be discussed because there are many things from sports that we can write about. We can also make it more specific, such as “The importance of sport in life” or “What are the consequences if we don’t exercise”. everywhere.

Create an Essay Outline

The function of this outline is to be a guide and guide when we write the essay we want to make. With the outline, we know what we want to discuss, so we don’t have to get confused in the middle of the road. Outline writing can be made according to the structure of the essay, namely the title, introduction, essay body, and conclusion. In addition, in the introduction it is also important to write a thesis statement, which contains our main arguments in the essay.

Outline example:

Title: The importance of sport in life

Introduction: (The initial explanation of the importance of sport in life. For example, it can be opened with statistics that state usually Increase endurance, lower cholesterol, reduce stress, burn fat, increase immunity and prevent illness, improve brain function and many more.)

Thesis statement: the benefits of regular exercise


A. exercise improves health and adds energy to our body:

exercise improves quality of life

exercise makes us fitter and more energetic

B. exercise increases stamina




Do Research to Find Supporting Data

After we know what we want to discuss and have made an outline, the next step is to do research to find supporting data for your argument. You can find this research or do it by reading books, academic journals, news in newspapers, social media, websites and so on. why is this necessary so that the argument you write becomes stronger and nothing can beat your argument. Oh yes, don’t forget to pay attention to the credibility of the source of your writing too, because it affects if your writing is bad it will be difficult to read so as much as possible your writing doesn’t have to be good but it can be read.

Start Writing

If your supporting data has been collected and you are ready, now is the time to start writing. Write according to the outline that you have made so that the explanation can stay focused on the explanation you made and not spread everywhere. In addition, pay attention to transition signals or connecting words between paragraphs so that your writing can be read clearly.

Reread and Check

Well, this has reached the final stage, before the final stage, which people often forget, don’t let you forget one of the most important but often overlooked stages. After you finish writing your essay, don’t forget to re-read it and check it. It is at this stage that we should check the technical aspects of the essay, such as making sure there are no typos, the sentence structure we have written is good, and so on. You can also, you know, ask your friends or family, your friends, to read your essay and give suggestions or criticism.

Well, we already know how to make an essay, right? Now, do you know what the history of the essay is like?

History Essay

Essays became popular in the 1500s when a French philosopher, Montaigne, wrote a book that included some of his anecdotes and observations. His first book was published in 1580 entitled Essais which means attempts. Montaigne wrote several stories in this book and stated that his book was published based on his personal opinion. This essay, based on Montaigne’s confession, aims to express his views on life.

Then what is the meaning of the essay according to Montaigne? Montaigne writes his attitude and views on essays through his implicit, modest, humble but clear descriptions in a foreword to his book: “Reader, this is an honest book. You are warned from the start that in this book I have set a goal that is family and personal. It did not occur to me that this book should be useful to you or should glorify me. The intention is beyond my capacity. I dedicate this book to my relatives and friends so that they can use it personally so that when I am no longer being in their midst (a thing they are sure to experience soon enough), they may find in them some of the qualities of my habit and sense of humor, and hopefully, in that way, the knowledge they have acquired about me will endure and always on” (from “To The Reader”).

Then, in the 1600s, Sir Francis Bacon became the first English Essayist. The book is entitled Essay. The form, length, clarity, and sentence rhythm of this essay became the standard for later essays. There are some essays that are formal, and there are others that are informal. Informal essays are easier to write because they are more personal, witty, with a stylish form, less formal structure, and spoken. Formal essays are more often used by students, students and researchers to do their assignments. Formal essays are distinguished from their goals which are more serious, weighty, logical and longer.

In Indonesia, the essay form was popularized by HB Jassin through his reviews of Indonesian literary works which were later published in four volumes under the title Modern Indonesian Literature in Criticism and Essays (1985), but Jassin could not explain the formulation of the essay.

By: Muhamad Rizky FathurRahman Subekti

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