How to Write Creative Writing Essays

By: Julia Barrera de Campos Morais

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Essays are one of the most diverse types of writing and, therefore, encompasses many different styles, languages, ideas as formats. One of them is Creative Writing Essays. According to its definition, this type is extremely broad just like the definition of an essay itself. Nonetheless, a few aspects that characterize it are the personal and subjective traces of oneself within the text. Typically, it’ll involve a story or narrative – fiction or nonfiction – told from an original point of view and not bound by any standard conventions or genres. All of this evidenciates the beauty of this type of writing: there are no boundaries to creativity and the writer has all liberty to express himself in the best way possible.

Creative Writing Essay

As the name suggests, a Creative Writing Essay is an imaginative process that reflects its writer’s personalities and beliefs. Therefore, it would be erroneous to explain a unique and correct way of writing this type of essay. Nonetheless, there are important aspects that should be considered during the writing process and suggestions that can be made to a writer regarding aspects that are employed by many and have a strong potential when inserted in a text.

Target audience

First and foremost, a writer should think about its target audience, in other words, the group its text is directed to. Once this decision is made, the writing process will develop in an easier way because the writer will know how he can construct his work in a way that will connect to his audience. This is essential because, when the audience feels involved with the text, they’ll be more compelled to keep on reading the text, the goal of any author. In addition, the definition of a target audience will determine the best tone the text should be written in, another aspect that facilitates the ideal word-choice and the connection to the reader.

Theme of work

Indeed, it is extremely important that the author focuses on his audience. Nonetheless, that shouldn’t mean he shouldn’t keep  himself from writing about what interests him. In fact, in a Creative Writing Essay, the author should write about what he knows and not lose his essence along the process. This is essential because texts like this are meant to be personal and original. In order to assure it, the author must be comfortable with the theme of his work, a way that’ll make him engaged in the process and will guarantee that the text will meet its highest potential. As it is well known, writing about what you know and about what interests you is easier, and it wouldn’t be any different here. 

Distinguishes a Creative Writing Essay from others

If anyone asked you what distinguishes a Creative Writing Essay from others, what would you say ? If your answer was ‘Creativity’, you are correct! Creativity is the essential element of this type of essay, the characteristic that sets it apart from others texts within the same genre. Nonetheless, this shouldn’t mean the writer should necessarily develop a fictional narrative about something that was never heard of before. Actually, since Creative Writing Essays are meant to be subjective and personal, there shouldn’t be any rules about what the author should write. Though, it is recommended that the author puts his own spin on the things he is discussing, which can be achieved by using metaphors, alliterations and other literary devices. This will ensure an unique and interesting work! 

Character development

During the writing process, there are a few things that any writer should pay attention to, even if he is using his own imagination and wants his work to reflect precisely who he is. One of those is character development, which can be described as the construction of a well-rounded character that has depth, personality traits and clear feelings. When reading an essay, someone will enjoy the text at its fullest when transported to the story being told. It is an amazing experience to feel as if you were inside a story, and character depth ensures this feeling for the reader. Therefore, in order to achieve the test’s highest potential, a deep development of characters’ characteristics and unique traits is important. 


Moreover, the writer should never forget about plot development. Any story is composed of small pieces such as the introduction, development, conflict and resolution. These elements should be presented in an interrelated sequence and be deeply developed. So that the story seems engaging, as mentioned above, the reader should feel as if he was inside the story. One way of achieving this is by developing your character and another is by developing the story’s plot. Therefore, the writer should pay attention to how his work is unfolding, guarantee that all elements are linked together nicely and cohesively and make sure it is filled with details. 


A Creative Essay is, essentially, a work that reflects its author and allows him to reflect himself onto the paper. Nonetheless, there are a few things the writer can follow to assure that others will enjoy his texts as much as he did. Consequently, the author should let his imagination flow while remembering the key concepts mentioned above.

By: Julia Barrera de Campos Morais

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