How to Win a Creative Writing Contest

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There are many people who are interested in participating in the Creative Writing Contest but they are not sure that how they can win it. When a person enters in the writing contest then they must have to enter with the practice. Whenever a person participates in a contest then everyone wants to win.

How to write appropriately in a Creative Writing Competition

Whenever you participate in any writing competition such as Essay Contest, or creative writing Contest, you must have to submit proofread, grammatically correct content that follows the contest theme and meet the required word count. If you really want to win the competition then you must have to follow the guidelines mentioned by the organizers.

If you really want to win some competition then you must have to follow the below points:


Before sending your content, it would be better to proofread it. When you proofread it then you will be able to find out your mistake and you can fix it before you send for the judgment. That means when you proofread your article then you will be sure that you are sending error-free documents for the competition.


In writing, grammar plays a very important role, so if you are participating in some content, then you must have to pay attention to your grammar and before sending your content it would be better to check out your grammar properly.

Focus on Word Count Limit

When you look out for any writing competition then you must have to check out the word limit for the content. If you have written less words or if you have exceeded the word limit then also there will be the less chances of winning the competition. Therefore it would be better to follow all the guidelines before you start writing the content.

Submit Unique Content

Usually, there are many people who love to write content but they take the content from somewhere and submit it, but if you really want to win a writing contest, then you must have to submit the unique one. You can write the content in your own way and make the content attractive and user-friendly.

Use Simple Language

It happens that when a person wants to win some contest, then he or she tries to use fancy words instead of using some simple words. Therefore, it will be better to use normal and user-friendly words that will help the readers to understand your content and help them to get involved in it.

Follow the Theme

Most of the contests have a theme or topic on which other participants have to write content. If you also have something then you must have to follow it.  If you ignore the theme then there will be less chances of winning a contest, so choose a theme before you start writing and collect the points that will help you to make your content attractive and engaging.

These are some points that you have to keep in your mind before you start writing the content for the writing contest. When you follow these points then there will be chances of winning it.

Tips to Win a Writing Contest

If you really want to win some writing contest then here are few tips that will be helpful for you:

Try to be Natural and Real

When you write, then you must have to use your emotions and feelings in your content so the readers can get attached to your content and they will feel lively while reading it.

Make your Content Interesting

When you write on some theme then you must have to do research on it and start making things interesting in your content. If you are writing some story with your imagination then you must have to make your characters fascinating fir the creative writing contest or essay contest.

Complete your Content

When you write some content then it is very important to go with the flow and follow the step-by-step things, so you can complete your content within the word limit counts and your story will also get completed at the end.

Do Proper Research

Whenever you start writing you must have to do proper research because without doing research you will not able to identify that what kind of things you have to write in that theme. If you know the theme, then you must have to do a little research so that way, you will be able to write things properly.

Use Right Words

Mainly people like to use words that look fancy but using the appropriate word that will be suitable for that sentence is more important. Even sometimes synonyms of the words also work at every place. Therefore, while writing content for a contest, use the words properly so that the right meaning is conveyed to the audience.

These are the tips and points that you can follow to write content to participate in any creative writing contest. If you really want to win then you must have to follow the above points and tips which will help you to make your content good and engaging.


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