How to prevent violence against women?


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It can be rightly presumed that, an ideal society in any country is based on gender parity. In this regard, equality of sexes is a boon and, on the contrary, violence against women is a bane for a society. Moreover, the lacuna of violence against women has more to do with the psychology and outlook of the Adams of the society towards their Eves. The outlook towards life of the male counterpart of the society too reflects even if to a minute extent about their outlook towards violence against women. In this regard, the Adams of our society must adopt a policy of peaceful co-existence with their Eves. All in all, our pathway towards a cohesive society and its pillars are to a large extent are based on preventing violence against women.  

Therefore, in our analysis on how to prevent violence against women, especially, in the context of our own Indian society the following points can be considered in this regard:-

Firstly, our Indian society is a patriarchal society. The hold of patriarchy is quite firm in the Indian society. Hence, male chauvinism is quite evident in the Indian society. Thus, to prevent violence against women, the male counterpart of the Indian society must adopt a new paradigm towards their life. In this process, women should not be considered as someone who is to be suppressed throughout her life rather, the female sex must be considered as someone who is an equal companion of men.

Secondly, prevention of violence towards women has more to do with the psychology of the whole society irrespective of caste, creed and all the other factors of life. Therefore, psychologically till the time we, especially the male counterpart of the society make our body, mind and the soul serene enough and thereby, make ourselves grandeur enough, so far as, treating women as equal and indispensible counterpart of life, till then, violence against women could not be erased from the Indian society.

Thirdly, it is rightly stated that, with the male sex, the female sex too are equally responsible so far as, instigating and abetting violence against women are concerned. In most cases, the female sex along with the male counterparts acts as a proponent of violence against their young and innocent relatives. In this way, this trend of abetting of violence by the females along with their male counterpart has certainly turned our Indian society into anarchy. The way ahead for the Indian society is certainly to adopt a policy of ‘live and let live’ by the young and the old as a whole.

Fourthly, women in our Indian society do not consider themselves safe enough both inside their homes as well as outside of it. If, inside their homes they are the victims of domestic violence then, outside their homes they are the hottest properties of many hungry eyes. Thus, chaos and anarchy with a greater feeling of uncertainty towards life and livelihood has become the order of the day for the female sex. Therefore, to prevent violence against women, we must relook and rejuvenate our very vision towards life and, thereby view life with coherence. This coherence is based on parity and with a sense of equality of sexes in our society.

Last but not the least, our very goal of a developed country must be based on a sense of gender parity. We cannot promote a developed society without giving equal opportunities of cohesive all round development of the fairer sex. The very yardstick for any country, so far as, prevention of violence towards women lies in giving an all-encompassing opportunity to the female sex for their all round development. This can certainly lay the strong foundations of our dream of a developed society in the times to come.

In a nutshell, it can be rightly concluded that, prevention of violence towards women irrespective of age and all the other extraneous considerations is the need of the hour. A violence free society for the women of our country will certainly bring about positive socio-economic indicators for the country. This development in the Indian society will certainly bid a good bye to the anarchy and the bohemianism in the Indian society itself. In the long run, it will certainly sprinkle and foster a positive trend of all inclusive happiness in the Indian society. In such a scenario, our dreams of a developed country will certainly be in our grips. With the passage of time, our country India will march ahead in the comity of nations, a nation where gender discrimination will certainly be a thing of the past rather, a feeling of all pervading happiness will certainly be the order of the day.


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