How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

By Tai Winnie

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Nowadays, the issue of a healthy lifestyle has been taken lightly. Actually, this is a very serious issue that should be alerted by all of us. It is difficult to maintain a good habit but it is easy to carry on with the bad ones. We often quit the changes midway when we find out a lifestyle improvement is more complicated than we thought.

However, living a healthy lifestyle is crucial for happiness and feeling good in our lives. It may not help you to live longer but it will help you to be less prone to sickness and disease. So, how do we maintain a healthy lifestyle? Incorporating healthy lifestyle habits can have a positive impact on overall well-being.

A healthy lifestyle includes a range of activities, such as daily exercise, following a high protein diet meal plan, getting sufficient sleep and rest, and maintaining positive mental health through regular self-care practices. Daily exercise helps to strengthen muscles and maintain a healthy weight, while a high protein diet meal plan can support muscle growth and repair. 

  First of all, daily exercise is one of the lifestyles to keep you healthy. Exercising daily enables us to release endorphins. Endorphins or the “feel good” chemicals produced by the nervous system which act as a pain reliever and happiness booster will help us to feel happier.

Regular exercise also improves the health of our skin and hair. This gives you a better-looking in public. Exercises such as brisk-walking, yoga, jogging, swimming and many more can be done in daily life. Exercise for at least 30 minutes per day will develop a healthy body and control our weights too. What’s most important is to make regular physical activity a part of our lifestyle.

  Secondly, a balanced diet is also needed for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We need to have 3 nutritional meals a day with all the food groups based on the food pyramid. Based on the food pyramid, food and drinks high in fat, sugar and salt should be consumed the least. Food with vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrate, fiber, and healthy fat are encouraged to consume more.

The food pyramid reminds us to limit our intake of salt and sugar as it can increase our risk of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, diabetes and dental cavities too. We should not skip meals or eat junk food because these are unhealthy practices. A balanced diet reduces our risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity and some cancers. 

  Next, we need to get enough and a good quality of sleep everyday or luxury meditation retreat. Don’t sleep too much or too little because it may lead to fatigue and affect your health. We should sleep 7~9 hours per day at night whereas a midday nap should be 15 minutes only. Sufficient sleep is crucial to keep our mind and body healthy. It can improve our concentration, productivity and immune functions too healthy brain is also required by activities such as cold plunge dubai.

While poor sleep is linked to higher body weight, depression, inflammation, and negative emotions. Besides, we also need to drink more water, 2 litre a day will be sufficient. Drinking water prevents us from dehydration which will lead to kidney stones and urinary tract infections. Water helps the kidney to remove waste products from blood. When we don’t get enough of it, the waste couldn’t build up and this will cause myoglobin to clog up the kidney. Adequate sleep and water intake are essential to good health.

  In addition, we need to keep mentally healthy and happy. People feel stress when they face difficulties and challenges in life. We need to manage our stress in a proper way. We can take a break and do something whatever you are passionate about. We need to keep a positive attitude and think positively. These can surely boost our energy and make us feel better. Avoid addiction for example gambling, smoking, drinking, illegal drugs, or any other things.

Addiction is harmful for everyone and will lead to unhealthy attitudes or behavior. We need to know that we cannot control ourselves to stop from being addicted to something. Addiction will affect our lives in many ways, including our body and mental health. That’s why we watch out for anything that may lead to addiction.

  Overall, living a healthy lifestyle brings only benefits, and that is why it is recommended. So, do exercises daily, have a balanced diet, get enough rest, retrain from having unhealthy practices and be happy everyday. Maintaining a good habit may be tough but a healthy lifestyle ensures a person maintains good health.

This means that we are free of illness and diseases. Doing the best things for our body shows the way you are being thankful for yourself and your life. You will find out much of these deserved and you will never regret. Once you start living a healthy lifestyle, you can live longer and have a happier life.

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By Tai Winnie


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