Focus on Writing an Essay Effectively

By: Nabila Wahyuningrum

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An essay is a collection of works consisting of research results and opinions. There are several ways that writers can focus on writing essays, among others. The first is intention. Intention is very important in any condition, if there is no intention it will not run smoothly and well. If we have a sincere intention to do what we are going to do, the work will definitely feel easy and light.

Always do what you have to do with good intentions, if your intentions are good, one day the results will also be good. Second, think clearly. Why is clear thinking included in how to focus on writing an essay? Because a clear mind is able to produce brilliant ideas, besides that a clear mind can also bring up one’s creativity. So thinking clearly is one of the most important things in writing an essay. Always think clearly so that what you produce is also clear

Third, think about what to write. Thinking about what to write is that you just think about what is the topic of your essay and don’t focus on other things, try not to think about things that can interfere with your concentration in writing essays and don’t have too many thoughts that can distract your concentration. . Because too many thoughts are also not good for brain concentration and can also make us fall sick because of overthinking.

Always think about what you think is important because it also affects the focus in you. Fourth, work with passion. Working with enthusiasm is also needed to increase our focus to keep thinking or looking for ideas that we think can be added to the topics discussed. So working with enthusiasm can also refresh our brains to always think logically and well. So do whatever you want to do or do it earnestly and passionately.

Fifth is healthy. In a healthy state new people can think what they should think properly, if we are sick, it will definitely hinder the process of focusing on writing essays, not even just essays, if we are sick there are many things we can’t think about. Our minds will be blocked and difficult to accept anything that enters the brain. So being healthy is something that is very, very important in essay writing. Because remember that a healthy body also contributes to the brain, if your body or your body is sick, you certainly won’t be able to focus on something you are going to do, for example, writing an essay with focus and calm.

The sixth is not to underestimate. Not to underestimate here means not only thinking this is easy but difficult to do it, if we want to write an essay with focus, we should not underestimate it and must understand what must be done seriously and with a full heart. If we underestimate the work, of course we will also be underestimated by the work, meaning that the results we reap later will definitely be useless or normal if we have underestimated the work from the start.

The seventh is to work with pleasure. From the start doing something must be accompanied by a sense of pleasure so that the work can be completed properly and correctly, if someone does a job with annoyance or laziness, surely the work will never be done or finished at the appointed time, working on an essay with pleasure can also grow a burning spirit, making us more focused on doing something that will be done. Do something that you have to do with pleasure, surely later you will find it easier to do it and feel focused on doing what you are doing.

The eighth is to choose a topic of interest. Choosing the desired topic is also a way to focus on writing an essay because from what we are interested in or enjoy, we will definitely be better at doing it. If we already want this topic, we will find it easier to work on it with pleasure, if we choose a topic that we are not interested in, we will definitely have difficulty or sometimes lazy to do it and the topic being worked on will definitely not match the results desired by the author himself. . Therefore someone’s interest is also very important in any case not only in determining the topic of the essay.

The ninth is to write an essay in a quiet and preferred place. Being in a quiet place or a favorite place includes a way to focus on writing essays because a calm atmosphere or condition can foster brilliant ideas to write anything according to the desired essay topic. When in a crowded place or condition, we definitely write anything so we are not calm or focused, therefore we need a place with quiet conditions that can make us focus on doing something.

In a preferred place, usually this can also stimulate a person’s thinking because he has seen what he likes, he can automatically focus on his work while refreshing his head. The tenth is not rushing and managing time. Rushing can also disperse our concentration or focus on something, therefore we must be smart to manage time to do or write essays so that we can focus and get our work done at the right time.

By: Nabila Wahyuningrum

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