How Studying at Home for SSC CGL is a Better Option Amid Pandemic?

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The SSC CGL 2021 exam will be conducted by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC). This exam aims to fill the vacancies for different posts under the Indian Government. But in this pandemic classroom coaching is almost impossible for students. Here comes the importance of online study through online web portals to prepare for SSC CGL. One will get detailed information like Exam Dates, Exam Pattern, Critical Topics, Books to read just at a reach of a fingertip.

It is always better to stay one step ahead and start preparing in advance. This article will give future aspirants an idea about the exam pattern, relevant topics, and books to start preparing for next year. So, check this blog and reduce your dependence on classroom coaching during this pandemic.

What is SSC CGL?

SSC CGL is conducted at the national level by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC). The exam aims to recruit for various posts under the Government of India. It offers students a significant opportunity concerning job security, growth in career, and a decent pay-scale. Thus, it is one of the most sought-after entrance tests in India.The exam has four tiers, with the first and the second tiers each carrying four sections.

The mode of the examination for the first two tiers is online. Tier 1 consists of 200 marks questions and has a duration of 60 minutes, Tier II spans for 120 minutes and comprises four papers with 500 questions and 200 marks. Tier III is a pen and paper test which spans for 60 minutes and has 100 marks allotted. Finally, Tier IV is a Computer Skill Test of 45 minutes.Additional time is allowed for disabled or PwD candidates for each section.

For Tier 2, Paper-I and Paper-II are a must for all the candidates. Paper 3 must be taken only for Statistical Investigator Gr II & Compiler Post. While Paper 4 is only for Asst. Audit Officer Gazetted Group “B” Post only.

Students’ marks in Tier I exams determine the selection for Tier II and Tier III exams. If one qualifies Tier I, II, and III, then that person is eligible for Tier IV. Minimum qualifying marks for each paper in each tier is required to proceed to the next level. The body of SSC constitutes this exam to recruit candidates for several posts under the Government of India like the following:

  1. Assistant
  2. Assistant Accounts Officer
  3. Assistant Section officer
  4. Inspector (Central Excise)
  5. Inspector (Examiner)
  6. Enforcement Officer
  7. Accountant/ Junior Accountant
  8. Senior Secretariat Assistant/ Upper Division Clerk
  9. Divisional Accountant
  10. Inspector
  11. Accountant
  12. Auditor
  13. Assistant Audit Officer
  14. Assistant/ Superintendent
  15. Inspector (Preventive officer)
  16. Inspector of Income Tax
  17. Junior Statistical Officer
  18. Accountant/Junior Accountant
  19. Divisional Accountant
  20. Inspector Posts
  21. Sub Inspector
  22. Tax Assistant

General Eligibility for the SSC CGL 2021

  • All the students appearing for the SSC CGL 2021 exams must be a citizen of either India or Nepal or Bhutan. If the student is from Nepal or Bhutan, he/she must have a Certificate of Eligibility signed by the Government of India.
  • All the students must hold at least a Bachelor’s degree in any subject from a recognized university along with the other criteria required for the particular post.
  • The students must belong to the age group between 18-32 years.
  • Students applying for some specific posts like Inspectors, Sub-inspectors, and others must be physically fit.

Preparation for the SSC CGL 2021

Tier I has four subjects, while the Tier II exam consists of 4 papers as well. Each student has to appear for 1-3 papers depending upon the post he/she applied. The questions are objective Multiple Choice Questions. The official website consists of the syllabus and all the elaborated details regarding the papers, and the students must go through it thoroughly before applying for the exams. In general, the below-mentioned topics need to be worked upon to crack SSC CGL.

  1. Important Topics related to Quantitative Ability areNumber System, Whole Numbers, Decimals, Fractions, Fundamentals of Arithmetical Operations, Average, Percentage, Interest, Ratio, and Proportion, Profit and Loss, Discount, Mensuration, Tables and Graphs, Time and Distance, and others.
  2. Aspirants must also prepareComprehension Reading questions, Error Recognition, Filling in the blanks (with verbs, prepositions, articles, and others), Spellings, Sentence Structure, Sentence Completion, Grammar, Synonyms and Antonyms, Phrases and Idioms, along with Comprehension of Passages.
  3. Finally, one must prepare topics related to Logical Reasoning, Statistics, Economics & Finance, General Awareness, and General Studies.

As SSC CGL 2020 Tier II exam is slated to happen by this year’s end from 2nd to 5th November, one has to be very good with the following areas. They are –

  • Grammar.
  • Statistics (Skewness and Kurtosis, Correlation and Regression, Probability Theory, Time Series Analysis, Sampling Theory, Statistical Inference, etc.).
  • Latest topics related to Finance & Economics.

Books for SSC CGL

Books recommended for the Maths preparation for SSC CGL are-

  • Advance Maths- Rakesh Yadav
  • SSC Elementary and Advanced Maths- Kiran
  • NCERT maths (Grade 6-11)

Books recommended for the English preparation are –

  • High School English Grammar and Composition- Wren and Martin
  • Objective General English- S. P. Bakshi
  • Competitive General English- Kiran Prakashan
  • Objective English for Competitive Examinations- H. M. Prasad

General Awareness Books are –

  • General Knowledge – Arihant Publications
  • General Knowledge – Dr. Binary Karn/ Lucent

General Intelligence & Logical Reasoning –

  • Verbal and Non-verbal reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal
  • Analytical Reasoning by M.K. Pandey

For GK, one has to read newspapers regularly.

The students have to work hard for the best preparation for SSC CGL 2021. Along with having the right books available, the students must also practice and hone their skills daily. They must practice more and more critical questions from each paper. They must also enroll for different mock tests online to know their caliber. Most importantly, it will be prudent to self-study and check online resources more to prepare for SSC CGL 2021. It will thus help you get quality education at ease from the safety of your home.  Prepare early, stay at home, don’t take stress, keep a calm head and gear up with your preparations.


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