How Invention of Wheel Revolutionised Human Civilization?”


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The progress of mankind from the pre-historic times till date has been marked by many inventions and discoveries. Each invention and discovery brought with it, new hopes and aspirations for them. Hopes and aspirations of making his/her life simpler and more liveable in this world. Liveable in the sense that, the urge to make life easier with the passage of time. This urge of human beings too added fuel to the fire, in fostering more inventions and discoveries on their part. All in all, each and every step on the part of mankind towards progress in their evolution and existence was marked by inventions and discoveries.

In this regard, more specifically the invention of wheel was most remarkable. Remarkable in the sense that, it gave the human race a ray of hope.  This ray of hope helped mankind to give a certain pace in his life. Pace in terms of adding an amount of speed to his overall existence and prosperity. Here is a short description of few facets of the mankind as associated with the invention of the wheel: – 

  • The historical facet of the invention of the wheel: –

                                    It is believed, the first form of the wheel came up during the late Neolithic age. The primitive wheel were more simpler as, simpler were the lives of the human beings. With the passage of time more innovative forms of wheels were evolved and developed. However, the first wheel closer in resemblance to the modern-day wheel was made in Sumeria around 3500 BC. Whatever, may be the process of its evolution but, one thing is for sure that, the historical evolution of the wheel has a great ramification for the mankind. It in other words, added a certain pace and direction to his overall existence and civilization in totality. The invention and the historical evolution of the wheel may also be understood as the first technological invention of mankind. Thus, human beings first intervention with technology came up with the invention of wheel. In this way, the word technology’s primitive evolution came up with the invention of the wheel. 

  • How invention of the wheel hastened progress of the mankind? : –  

                                 The invention of the wheel hastened progress of mankind by adding a new feather to his thinking and emotions. Its invention made him to believe that, time can be conquered by adding a certain pace and dimension to his life. This pace and dimension have added a certain momentum to his overall existence and well-being. As wheel helped him to conquer long distances with the passage of time by dint of, the rotation of the wheel at a certain speed. We can certainly therefore say that, mankind’s first experience with speed came up with the invention of the wheel. This put the onus on the human civilization in having a certain amount of comfort in his/her life by conquering time as well as energy with the help of the use of the wheel. 

  • How wheel brought about a revolution in human being’s life?: –  

                                        The wheel from the primitive stage to its modern avatar has been a saga of evolution as, it has evolved the human existence and its evolution itself. What can rightly be said in this regard is that, if any intervention has rightly brought about a change to the human life in totality then, it is the invention of the wheel. Therefore, by adding a certain pace and dimension to his existence it has brought about a total revolution.  With the invention of the wheel, within a short span of time, it became an indispensable part of mankind’s lives. Therefore, mankind as a whole in the subsequent period after the invention of the wheel cannot imagine of life without this full circle of 360 degrees in the form of the wheel. 

  • How wheel helped mankind to win over time? : –    

                                            Wheel not only revolutionised mankind’s lives but also helped him/her in overcoming the odds of time.  The primitive lethargy which used to set in his/her life was overcome with the invention of the wheel. Thus, mankind was able to conquer long distances in short time by the use of the wheel. In this way, it helped him/her to concise long distances and further, helped him/her to travel long distances in shorter intervals of time. Mankind’s first technological innovation in the form of the wheel truly made to a larger extent his/her life concise. Thus, mankind really learnt with the invention of the wheel what, really technological innovation is and further he/she also came to know how technology can make a better life for him/her in the coming future.

  1. How the invention of the wheel fostered more inventions? : – 

                                              It would not be wrong to state, I believe, that the invention of the wheel helped mankind to foster many new inventions. With the invention of the wheel mankind came in terms with technology in the real sense of the term. Thus, it helped mankind to ponder over other divine inventions to make his/her life simpler and easier by making more inventions. Thus, human races first addictive inclination  towards technology began with the invention of the wheel. Addictive in the sense that, invention of the wheel in the primitive form led to many modern variants of the wheel. In this way, mankind’s belief that he has the capacity and the ability to make more inventions with the passage of time was fostered by the invention of the wheel. All in all, the invention of the wheel in one way or the other fostered many new inventions.  

What mankind is today has to a large extent a large bearing because of the invention of the wheel. Moreover, at the present times, wheel has seen a sea change with the advent of the new forms of the wheel. With every new form of the wheel there has seen a sea change in transport and communications. Thus, the modern means of communications and travelling has a lot to gain from the invention of the wheel. In a nutshell, the invention of the wheel has in one way or the other helped mankind to achieve a certain status of modernity in his/her life. It can rightly therefore be said that, modernism in life in the true sense of the term began with the invention of the wheel. Wheel has changed lives of the human beings by a full axis. In this way, it became an inevitable and indispensable part of the human lives. Wheel therefore is, was and will always remain a part and parcel of human races facets of life for the generations to come.



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