
By Kartik Rohella

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A separation betwixt inflexibility and molding a glittering future Self-evident personalities such as Thomas Alva Edison, Florence Nightingale, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Abraham Lincoln, Rabindranath Tagore, John Adams, Andre Marie Ampere, Blaise Pascal, Paul Keating (and thousands of scientists, mathematicians, writers, politicians, and virtuosos related to every profession) are largely self-educated or homeschooled. These incredible personages achieved so much till they turned 20 so that people were in shock.

We remember not only their lifelong achievements but also their humanity and humbleness. I request the reader to Google every name and know more! Recently, an Indian teenager named Abhigya Anand took people by astonishment when his first prediction for the covid19 pandemic, much before anybody’s anticipation around the globe, confirmed accurate. It is a genuine co-relation with the title of the essay. Abhigya is a home-educated child having an in-depth insight into everything. At this age, IIM’s are beckoning him to take sessions. His parents argue that homeschooling is more desirable than formally educating a child. Why? We manifest the examples in the opening paragraph. Moving ahead, the inferences and conclusions in favor of this argument will also be evident. Let’s maintain the talk to understand these, in my way. My research says India has one of the largest and the youngest human resources. Again, my information says we have the highest age group of jobless but taught people between 15 to 45 years. According to a Google ranked website (, today, India stands at 8.80% of unemployment ratio amongst 140 crores of population. Figures are threatening, I know. More devastating is the Indian Government states that we have a 9.4% of the unemployment rate as of Jan-March, 2021.

Let’s jump to the solutions immediately, which will interpret the topic of this essay. The word ‘homeschooling’ is self-explanatory; it suggests that a child should be taught at home, in the presence of every possible study-related resource, with real-life examples and expert training. That helps children and parents to recognize their educational needs with a primary focus on shaping the future. Thus, homeschooling emphasizes establishing an open, thoughtful and logical environment for teaching children, rather than following a rigid 3+10+2+3 pattern. On the flip side, even after grabbing multiple degrees, a student fails to snatch jobs and earn a notable livelihood. The homeschooling theory is gaining popularity in metropolitan cities of India. The proceedings to admission are also straightforward. NIOS, IGCSE, and several private CBSE schools assist parents in organizing homeschooling for children. The privilege of homeschooling allows guardians to save time-money-energy-management, which is advantageous for future development and outlining.

Furthermore, a kid can receive spiritual teachings with humanity, alongside shaping a glittering future. C S Lewis once said that children are not distractions but the most important. Being a crackerjack lecturer and writer, I (Kartik Rohella) will self-educate my children, not to equip them for examinations but for life. JURY can discover through CBSE’s website that education remained merely a business. Apology for finishing the note with dark humor!

By Kartik Rohella

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