Haunted Purge Night

By: Helena Marreco Weigert Ferreira

Haunted haunting
Haunted haunting
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Haunted Purge Night

Do you believe in ghosts? Maybe you will start believing after reading that story:

Coincidentally, on a Friday 13th night, the government decided to allow crimes because of a big crime wave. this night won’t punish any types of crimes for the rest of the year to be in peace.

Cassie was a very naughty girl. Black hair, green eyes and she was considered the queen of the school. She was 15, and since her first year at school, when little, she was in charge of the school more than the principal. Everyone feared her. She bullied and mistreated everyone who was the slightest bit different from her. A terrible person. She was very arrogant and bossy. Her only best friend was Jules, and the only one who has no fear to be with her. 

Cassie and her family were the descendants of the city’s founders.

Cassie’s family had a lot of power over the city and that’s why their work wasn’t very clean.
They’ve killed some people who knew too much and kept it secret so nobody knows about that. Except John, one of Cassie’s family victim brother.

He spend a lot of time studying, searching about what happened to his brother and his covered it all.
Once, john’s brother told him that the government and Cassie’s family were criminals, so john was very suspicious about that family and the way his brother died. No one ever explained it properly.
“PEWWW!” the countdown started. it was the beginning of the second purge. 

At the purge night, John had everything ready for the revenge had been waiting for. 

Cassie’s dad, Bill, and Cassie’s mom, Kat, we’re not worried about nothing, because their house was very protected and safe. 

What they didn’t know, was that john’s dead brother: Toby, was going to help his brother to the revenge. 

The moon came up, the sun went down, and the savage killing started. 

The security was alright and everything was okay. Till Jules send Cassie a text saying that her mom was missing and she needed Cassie’s urgent help! 

Cassie sneaked out of the house.

For the first time in Cassie’s life, she decided to do something right and good, but this was not a really good idea.

And… predictably, this was all a trap to kidnap Cassie. 
A few moments later, one part of John’s plan was complete. 

Kat and Bill were getting worried about Cassie, the purge has started and she didn’t came back home.

Kat said: “Bill, I can’t do that, Cassie is not showing, and I can’t just sit and wait to my daughter to appear dead. Bill, what will happen if they discover all that we’ve done with innocent people?” 

The moment that Kat said that, Cassie’s body fell from the roof. 

Bill and Kat screamed a lot and started crying so much. Bill ran to see if the sistem was alright. But it was off… How? If they were alone at the house? And if they checked the entire house before the purge get started?\

Toby’s spirit did that, shut down the sistem for john can come in. 

John was communicating with Toby this whole time, but always that he said that to someone, they thought he was crazy, hallucinating. 

I think the rest you already know, Bill, Kat and Cassie were found dead at the next morning. No clues of who did that, but what would be the point? no punishment, remember?

All the town was in mourning. Untill Toby and Jonh made a slide with no identification of who was broadcasting, in the family funeral, just footage and clues of what that family did to so many innocent people.

The parents of the victims and all the city was angry and sad after seeing all the slides. 
 And meanwhile, on the other side, Cassie’s family wasn’t the least bit sorry. But Cassie, Bill and Kat were going to finish what they had started.

By: Helena Marreco Weigert Ferreira

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