Framework of the Country

By: Areeba Pervaiz

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How should the framework of the country be? The geography of the country, along with the study of infrastructure, has become one of the most demanding studies of the present as well as the future. Every citizen and national loves his or her homeland so much that he or she is always ready to sacrifice personal needs for the sake of national needs and considers the dear homeland safe and secure.

The affection and respect an individual has for his country are indescribable. Further development and progress of the country have always been the greatest aspirations and desires of the respective citizens or residents.

The framework of any country revolves around two important factors:

1) Geography

2) Infrastructure Geography: The geography of the country highlights the area or land where the nation practices and enjoys its national power and nationalism in a constitutional manner.

The area, or land, of the country, is secured by soldiers of the army, navy, and air forces. The military is held responsible for saving the land from conspiracies and attacks from enemies. The borders are electrically coiled with high voltage to avoid all sorts of dangers and losses for the nation. Geography is authoritative and answerable for national security as well as national interests.

When doors are not properly shut or locked, there is always a danger hovering with its cruel jaws over the treasures and jewels of the house. Similarly, when borders are not supervised from every angle, harm to the jewels of the state, which are national security and national interest, is inevitable.

When the geography of any nation is not designed in a protective manner, usurpations and sabotages occur due to the conspiracies and hatred of other nations. No country can live in isolation, but it is also a country that cannot see other countries tread the path full of fruits and accomplishments. Competition and jealousy are always there. That is why geography has great significance.

Infrastructure: The study of infrastructure shows the presence of technology and its continuous advancements in one’s nation. This study addresses the technical, social, and organizational appearances and aspects of the development and maintenance of infrastructure. The infrastructure of the country works as a mirror for other countries, where they can experience the sight of incessant hard work, struggle, and dedication.

The more powerful the infrastructure, the more robust the country will be. The infrastructural developments and advancements attract other nations for potential alliances and billion-dollar projects. Superpowers including The United States of America, the People’s Republic of China, The United Kingdom, and Russia possess remarkable and exquisite infrastructures in the whole world.

These countries have worked day and night with diligence and dedication for revolutionary change for the betterment and bright futures of their people. These nations know the value of their people. Other democratic countries, including the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and India, are completely ignorant of the rights of their people. To build a house, the core is the architecture.

Similarly, for a good and advanced nation, the core is the people of the country.

The following main subordinate features play a significant role in the framework of the country:

Law and order: Administering the nation with full and complete authority of law and order. Law and order serve as the backbone of the nation. Any form of injustice and unfair treatment may lead the nation into a pit of crimes and corruption that gradually becomes hard to control, and saving the nation appears to be very challenging.

National Security: Another essential feature is securing the nation from terrorism and corruption by strengthening the idea of ideology. Every nation has a particular goal or ideology that it has been working on through national as well as international platforms.

International Recognition: Status on international platforms is countable and opens the doors to numerous opportunities for the country. International recognition is the gateway to mutual understanding, which leads to mutual development and further elaboration.

Controlling the population bomb and its classes: The population bomb should be controlled before it explodes national peace and national interest. The census should be held every five years or during the polling period in the country. The census reveals the correct information about the population, including race, sex, age, etc. People from the upper, middle, and lower classes are supposed to be categorized so that the governing body knows how to provide them with food, education, and employment.

Improvement of classes: The tax collection from the upper class and middle class, according to their financial ability, and its usage for the people of the lower class in the form of the supply of the basic needs of life, that is, bread and butter, shelter, and clothes. Thus, the improvement of the middle and lower classes brings security and safety to the land.

Taxes and revenues may further be used to rectify the following sectors of the state: Agricultural sector: From farmers to the field, everything is looked after for the continuous flow of food products.

Industrial sector: The industrial sector is focused and considered very essential for massive production to lessen imports and increase exports. The industrial sector is important to boost the country’s economy.

Educational sector: Primary education is decided to be provided free of charge to students. The quality of education also improves with diminishing illiteracy and unemployment rates.

GDP and FDI: Along with the improvement of classes, the gross domestic product (GDP) enhances that, further inviting strong and healthy foreign direct investments (FDI) from developed and powerful nations.

A country establishes great and cordial relations through multiple projects based on technological, infrastructural, social, and economic developments. This is the cycle and the process of administering the nation and managing the people of the country. An independent nation that is free from loans and the interests of other homelands and is free to exercise nationalism on major levels is one of the biggest blessings of God.

A country possessing the stamina to face trials and challenges may outshine other countries in the race for development and progress.

By: Areeba Pervaiz

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