Entering Into Transcendence in Light of Bhagavad Geeta

By: Atul Gaurav

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Bhagavad Geeta is a spiritual book meant to uplift humankind spiritually. Spiritual upliftment does not mean how to become wealthy rather it means how to rise above all material qualities of anger, lust, greed, etc. Anger, lust, and greed are three pathways to hellfire, according to Bhagavad Geeta. Once this upliftment is achieved, peace is attained immediately. And peace is all we need.

                           Bhagavad Geeta is a conversation between Krsna and Arjuna where Arjuna asks a total of twelve questions to Krsna and one of his questions was- ‘O Kṛsna, what are the symptoms of one whose consciousness is thus merged in transcendence? How does he speak, and what is his language? How does he sit, and how does he walk?’ In response to this question, Krsna enlightens Arjuna and this would be the subject matter of this essay.

                           Transcendence is defined in this spiritual book as a state of mind in which the consciousness becomes pure by vanquishing all selfish desires and cravings of the senses that torment the mind. Transcendence leads one to the path of self-realization and such a person is called transcendentally situated and thus peace is attained at once. One who is in transcendence can keep one’s mind undisturbed amidst misery, does not crave pleasure, and is free from attachment, fear, anger, and lust. Such persons don’t have jealousy, hatred, cruelty, sinful heart, dirty mind, etc. All they have is spiritual love for everyone regardless of religion, caste, country, etc. These are some of the symptoms of one whose consciousness is merged into transcendence.

                           Transcendental wisdom is what we need and it can be achieved through constant practice of meditation, devotion, good deeds, and detachment of sense from their objects. Having attained enlightenment through transcendental consciousness, one enlightens others and in this way, a true civilization will be cultured. When the majority of people in society will be transcendentally situated, sinful deeds like rape, murder, theft, etc will automatically be vanquished over time and there’ll be peace prevailing everywhere. This is a summary of Krsna’s response to Arjuna. This will not only fulfil the dream of Mahatma Gandhi, Subhas Chandra Bose, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar but will also fulfil the real purpose of our existence. Humans should have humanity, not animality. Animals can’t be taught to learn humanity but humans can be. Humanity is what prevents us from becoming animals. Therefore, we should not vanquish it, otherwise, we’re no better than animals. If we want to give true education to our children and do good for society as a whole, we should enlighten them with Bhagavad Geeta and let them enter into TRANSCENDENCE IN THE LIGHT OF BHAGAVAD GEETA.

                         At last, let us join hands together to pledge to read Bhagavad Geeta and teach others about it. Let people enter into transcendence and let there be peace in the world. Let us vow together to save humanity by teaching humanity!!!

By: Atul Gaurav


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