Effect of Architecture on Your Lifestyle


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Architecture is the art or practice of designing and building structures and building construction. In a broader sense, architecture can include designing and building the entire macro-level built environment, for example urban planning, not just a single building and its appendages. Mangunwijaya and Wastu Citra (1995, p. 12) reveal that architecture comes from the Greek “archee” and “tectoon”. Archee means the original, the first, the first. While Tectoon means sturdy, not collapsed or stable. Then archeetectoon means original and sturdy. From this etymology, we can conclude that architecture must meet at least two criteria, namely it must be unique or beautiful and strong.

The definition of architecture in the Webster Dictionary is the art or practice of designing building structures, especially those that are habitable. Architecture explains why this field in the public eye is synonymous with residential building design, because most of the fields are there.

There are several architectural elements. Architectural elements are various elements that form an architectural unit. That is, architecture consists of several smallest elements that support it so that it can become a whole. Architectural elements consist of three main classifications, namely: physical, acceptance, and conceptual elements. The first is the physical element. In architecture, the physical elements are form and space, here it must be considered how the systems and structures are implemented, what technologies are used. Second, the element of acceptance. As opposed to the physical elements, these are the psychological elements of an architecture. Will humans be comfortable living in this building? Is one’s way in and out fluid and predictable? The last element is the conceptual element. The conceptual element will answer a number of questions, such as, is this building/environment not only acceptable but also conveys a meaning? Or want to make a certain symbol?

There are many functions of the architecture. Architecture is not only used to build a functional, aesthetic and sturdy building construction. Architecture in general functions as a structure that balances the surrounding environment, including natural, human and social factors. Here is a complete description of the function of architecture in our lives. The first, architecture as a functional requirement for physical, spiritual, emotional (spiritual & intellectual). Second, architecture as an answer to challenges: climate, technology, society, culture. Third, architecture serves as a biological and psychological balance in the sense that it functions as a barrier (filter) between the body and its natural environment. Fourth, architecture as a biological and psychological balance which is a continuation of human adaptation behavior to the world. Fifth, architecture as a space where humans live by sharing. Space, people, life, and happiness, its relationship to the experience of everyday life in a simple way can also be realized by architecture. Sixth, architecture as the built environment as a whole, not only as an object/product, but also as an institution/process. Finally, architecture as an object and cultural process. The world’s ancient monuments that are glorified until now are one of the products of Architecture.

Therefore, architecture is not just an object that is designed, but a unit of environmental management including its psychological elements. As stated by Laurens (2004, p. 26) that architecture is not just a status object or a set of physical objects that will eventually become obsolete. Studying this field also means studying things that are invisible as part of reality, concrete reality and symbolic reality.

There are many designations for terms in home architecture such as “modern minimalist, Scandinavian, industrial and many more. We often hear this term or read it from the mass media, the goal is to get the impression of a house that is designed in a new, modern style and with contemporary tastes. There are 7 kinds of architectural style terms, namely minimalist architectural style, modern architectural style, classical architectural style, contemporary architectural style, Scandinavian architectural style, industrial architectural style, and rustic architectural style.

Most people do not realize that the existence of architecture can affect human psychology. We can see this through human moods and behavior in everyday life. In addition, it also appears when we are in a room or building. Our knowledge in the world of architecture will certainly affect our psychology. When we are in an architecture that has layouts or ideas that are not in accordance with the activities being carried out, it will allow the emergence of feelings of lack of enthusiasm or feelings of saturation.

As social beings, humans live and are shaped by the environment in which they live. This is where it starts, where the psychological aspect of the individual is influenced by environmental and social conditions. The level of privacy, spatial planning, character, accessibility, circulation and even aesthetic aspects can have an impact on human psychological aspects, houses to urban planning are indirectly arranged and designed by an architect. Our life is surrounded by architecture, the environment in which we do activities is filled by architecture. So there is no mistake, architecture will affect the psychological aspects of every individual who lives in it.

Apart from being in the realm of human psychology, architecture is also influential in changing human lifestyles. Architects plan, design and oversee infrastructure. Practicing lifestyle architecture means providing services related to the creation and creation of useful and healthy families and relationships, and the environment around the people who live there. Architecture has the means to benefit on me and inspire me a lot, architecture make me feel better and faster. Being surrounded by constant design has a psychological effect on people who: Dark or poorly lit places scare people and make them feel cold.


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