By: Vismaya j

bullying cyberbullying
bullying cyberbullying
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In today’s world, technology has made the world smaller than a decade ago, and that has given birth to cyberbullying, which has become a common thing in everyone’s life.

Actually, cyberbullying is meant to be harassment against someone online. It not only means hacking anyone’s profile but also by posting negative comments, misusing their photos, and discriminating on the basis of caste, gender, race, or disability, and that may lead some of them into depression and even suicide, as we know that the suicide rate increases day by day also because of the harassment online. Especially teenagers, who can’t even face small problems against them.

Research says that cyberbullying has doubled since before, and cyber victims have increased exponentially, especially students, and this affects their mental health. The one that makes us startled is that educated people or the students themselves are bullying others on the basis of race and caste, which is heartbreaking because we used to say that our world and generation changed a lot. But here in this world itself, discrimination has killed more people with words than a decade ago.

Even if our country categorizes some castes as scheduled castes or tribes to uplift them and join the country’s reputed colleges, in those colleges, many students and even teachers make them feel they are minority and discriminate against them based on caste and even race, which leads many of them to suicide and depression.

Bullying can affect mental health in ways like feeling lonely, losing motivation or interest in which they are usually interested, moving away from friends and family, or feeling that you are being judged negatively. It also creates insecurities and complexes against others. Cyberbullying is the most proven platform that is harmful to adolescents.

Awareness is the only key to preventing online harassment. It is also the duty of the family, friends, or well-wishers to identify the habits and changes and help them out of them. The individual should not be stressed about the bullying; just study to ignore it and make sure that personal information and photos are not in false hands.

Cyberbullies are like viruses that unknowingly attack us and suffer us. It is the duty of every individual to stand against them in any situation.

By: Vismaya j

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