By: Iqbal Rizki Muhammad Fadhli

Incandescence crisis Weapon HUMANITY
Incandescence crisis Weapon HUMANITY
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Technology is a basic science that studies skills which are closely related to scientific knowledge. Technological progress is technological development which refers to the fields of knowledge and engineering in producing new discoveries in the form of better applications or experimental results and sustainable progress to provide comfort and convenience in human life. Among the developments in technology in the information sector are hardware such as televisions, computers, gadgets which contain software in the form of applications.

In this context, the application is a medium of interaction and communication that connects regions on national and global lines, the application in question is platforms social media. In social media users can participate, share information, create content, social networks and virtual worlds. Social media is not used only as a medium for interpersonal communication, but can be used as mass communication. The large amount of information and uses provided by social media for its users make social media a basic alternative in facing modern technological advances. The use of social media can influence users to be ethical and communicate virtually with just a message typed by their finger.

Ethics is a science that studies issues of human conduct and actions which are closely related to good and bad human behavior and actions. All forms of activity are always influenced by ethics. In communicating, ethics has a very vital role, especially in communicating on social media. Social media ethics or internet etiquette are manners or ways of behaving or interacting on social media in the form of chat communication, disseminating information, commenting on posts and other forms of communication on social media.

Ethics in interacting on social media is very necessary not only in receiving information but also in providing information. Skills in choosing words and language are also a particular concern for all active social media users in order to provide factual and accurate information. Likewise, social media users are required to communicate politely by responding politely to information.

Indonesia is the country with the 4th largest population in the world. Seeing such a large population in Indonesia is quite influential in various aspectsone of them is the use of social media. The use of social media in Indonesia is a basic activity that cannot be separated from its users. Where from elementary, middle, high school age, to the workforce, everyone uses social media to get information or just share activities.

The use of social media in the daily lives of the Indonesian population has become a benchmark in responding to all forms of information in the form of posting images or videos. As a result, they tend to believe all forms of information published via social media without thinking about the truth of the information.

The lack of literacy in assessing the truth of information and simply participating in providing responses in the form of comments on information without thinking it through shows the low level of ethics of the Indonesian population in interacting on social media. This shows that the level of politeness and ethics in Indonesian social media is very low. Based on the background explanation above, the author invites all groups of the global population to get used to being ethical in using social media politely through several steps.

In interacting in the form of communication via social media is very easy to do by just accessing one of the social media platforms. This shows the ease of progress in information technology. With all the conveniences provided by advances in information technology, users must apply them intelligently in order to interact with the masses in a polite and ethical manner.

On the other hand, the author conveys the discourse on minimizing the crisis of etiquette in social media with various studies of effective efforts. By getting used to these effective research steps, the author is certain to be able to reduce the possibility of an ethical crisis through social media, including:

Politeness Without Containing Ethnicity, Race, and Religion

    Interacting via social media requires maintaining ethics, especially behavior in the virtual world. Every day, it is ensured that every social media user always responds to at least one piece of information by typing something in the comments column or just responding verbally or mentally. The tendency for constructive comments to be fewer is due to the large amount of information published in the form of rumors whose actuality is unknown.

    Of course, social media users responded poorly to this, resulting in influencing other users, with comments that were scathing, containing ethicity, race, and religion, and killing the victim’s mentality as a suspect in information rumors. By getting used to small things such as being polite, friendly and caring towards others, it will definitely create comfort and harmony among the masses in the social media. This is a small part of the steps in reducing ethical crises through social media.

    Building Information, Increasing Insight

      Based on the statement in point 1 about being polite when using social media, of course there will be obstacles if something that encourages users to be polite is not clear. Information published via social media should have a solid basis in the form of the responsibility of the user who publishes it. Information is said to be constructive if it displays the answers to 5W+1H exactly as the elements in the news.

      Apart from that, the information conveyed needs to be scientific in order to increase the insight of all social media users. Users also of course must have full awareness before publishing information via social media taking into account the risks to the masses and themselves. If it is connected to how to be polite when using social media, this will certainly further strengthen the author’s efforts to minimize the ethical crisis through social media.

      Pay Attention to Information, Avoid HOAX

        A lot of all kinds of information is disseminated through publications on social media, making it difficult for most social media users to filter all kinds of information. HOAX information published by unscrupulous users circulating on users’ social media homepages is certainly an obstacle in minimizing ethical crises through social media.

        Users in this case are required to have the will to realize their desire to reduce ethical crises through social media. By utilizing a minimum of knowledge or insight, the spread of HOAX information will not spread widely within the scope of social media, through one final step by the author in the next discussion. With full awareness of social media users, it will certainly be easy to realize this step.

        Social Media Features, Ultimate Weapon of Ethical Crisis

          Social media is a platform that has various features that make users comfortable in applying it. Various features on social media have their respective uses and functions, in order to maintain user privacy. Apart from that, in minimizing ethical crises through social media, several social media features such as features have been provided report it on one of the social media platforms Instagram.

          The existence of this feature is very in line with the author’s discourse on minimizing ethical crises through social media. The functions and benefits presented by this feature will certainly be very helpful. Users can use this feature as an effort to reduce various forms of HOAX information that is inappropriate for publication. Apart from being useful for reporting HOAX information, this feature can also be used to report comments in the form of user responses that are rude or contain Ethnicity, Race, and Religion.

          The various studies of steps presented by the author are a highlight of efforts to minimize ethical crises through social media. Accompanied by the will of all users in realizing these efforts, it is certain that they will be able to reduce ethical crises through social media.

          In conclusion, technology is a basic science that learns skills in scientific knowledge. Technological progress is technological development that produces new discoveries in the form of better experimental results and sustainable progress to provide comfort and convenience in human life. One of the advances in information technology is the social media platform, which requires polite etiquette in its use. Ethics is a science that studies the good and bad of human actions.

          Indonesia, with the 4th population in the world, cannot be separated from the use of social media as a daily activity. The tendency to lack in-depth information on social media makes Indonesia a country with a very low level of politeness. Based on this, the author has studied effective efforts to reduce the ethical crisis including, 1.) Politeness Without Containing Ethnicity, Race, and Religion, 2.) Building Information, Increasing Insight, 3.) Pay Attention to Information, Avoid HOAX, 4.) Social Media Features, Weapons The Ultimate Ethical Crisis. The various aspects of these efforts are confirmed by the author to be able to reduce the ethical crisis through social media with the support of all social media users as well.

          By: Iqbal Rizki Muhammad Fadhli

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