Consent – The Current Inexistence

By: Chaewon (Emilie) Lee

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Agree and consent. Two words at the end of every list of terms and conditions, two words at the end of every online form and contract, two words at the beginning of every relationship. These are two words most often used when gaining trust of others, often strangers. Yet at the same time, they are the words most violated and ignored in modern day society. 

For years, violence has existed in the world since the very creation of it; everything that exists comes from some form of the survival of the fittest, where only the ones with the most power are able to have influence on the lesser beings. Survival instincts, basic flight or fight responses have existed inside of us since the very beginning of the world. From dinosaurs to cavemen to wars to the corporate world, there has always been a hierarchy of the strongest being at the top. Still, most of the time, people take advantage of this power – which is often undeserved – and exhibit it on others carelessly. The worst of it? People accept it as the “way things are”, as the “way things should be”. 

However, why is it that this violence goes ignored? 

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in forcible rape cases. According to the Statista Research Department, between 1990 and 2022, there has been a rise of more than 30,000 rape cases in just the United States alone. Many of these cases involve women, especially between the young ages of 18 and 34, so much so that RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest Network) states that “1 out of every 6 American women has been a victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime.” This is not to state that men are not victims of these horrible acts, but to emphasize the severity of which women have gone through during these many years. 

Therefore, the only logical response is to ask one question: what has been done so far? The truth is that not much has been done to prevent this violence against women. There have been instances of redefinitions of terms and new laws, however, when considering the consequences of the wider world, there has not been any great changes to the societal system the world has grown accustomed to. 

In every relationship there is an implicit list of what is to be expected and what is not. The New York State describes healthy relationships to “involve honesty, trust, respect, and open communication”, and to not have“[an] imbalance of power.” This would mean compromise from each of the partners to be made when necessary. Violating this unspoken yet existent consensus often causes a falling out from both parties. 

What happens when someone is forced to do something without consent, however? What happens when there are no rules, no restrictions placed, allowing a perpetrator to do whatever they wish to a victim? The Federal Bureau of Investigation defines rape to be sexual activity committed by another person, “without the consent of the victim.” This four lettered word is not to be taken lightly; it is one of the leading causes of changes in behavior of the victims, which are, most of the time, women. 

Some of the horrific mental effects of rape according to the Joyful Heart Foundation include post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, disassociation, and suicidal thoughts or attempts. The horrible things done to these victims just show to what extent these events can have on both their physical and mental states. 

The worst part, though, is the fact that this violence against women is a recurring worldwide issue. 

Recent reports from the Buisness Standard report that the countries with the highest rape incidents are South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Switzerland, and Bermuda in order from the top five, with the rape rate in South Africa being 132.4%. As a matter of fact, when interviewed, a study by the South African Medical Research Council revealed that one out of every four men in the country claimed that they had committed rape before. These statistics highlight the sheer number of victims around the world, consisting of mostly women even globally. 

Peace is a concept that world leaders are currently trying to attain, however, it is nearly impossible to grasp if countries are unable to face the physical problems set in front of them, namely the violence against women. It must be tackled. There are millions of sexual assault cases happening every single day. Women are often scared to go out by themselves at night in fear of this violence. Something must be done. 

While there are no permanent or significantly effective methods of stopping violence against women forever, there are still ways to reduce it. However, it is not the issue of the victims having to do something, but really the government; the fault lies on the perpetrator for their inhumane actions, who must be stopped, not the victim for their supposed unpreparedness. 

One way to possibly ameliorate these issues is by adding more light posts to darker areas such as alleyways and making such spaces more open. This would ensure that if a person is being violated, bystanders would be able to see and get help. While this won’t be the solution to all problems, as many of these cases happen even in broad daylight, increasing the ability to view suspicious places can help improve the issues. 

Even though finding a solution to end all of this violence is nearly impossible at this time, something must still be done. There are thousands of victims suffering every day while nothing changes about the way society’s system works. Therefore, people must be educated in the raw facts about the horrendous challenges many women and men face when confronted with sexual assault or rape. 

The world is damaged. It is damaged in ways often unseen, but deeply persistent to this day. Something must be done, and it must be done now.

By: Chaewon (Emilie) Lee

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