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You need not sit before text books for hours and hours, you need not read the same line over and over if you follow the suitable technique. The way you study is directly connected to your results. So, it’s necessary to follow best and scientifically proven techniques to make studying simpler and effective. There are tons of tips and techniques flooded in various blogs but it’s very much difficult to find the suitable one. So, this article is for those who are tired of searching in various websites and blogs.


Students those who are preparing for boards should follow these steps before studying. It’s like those rules you read before playing a game. All the points are crucial and all points are to be followed.

  • Know your syllabus. 
  1. 10th Grade – (Math, Science, History, Geography, English, Hindi)
  2. 12th Grade – (Accountancy, Economics, Commerce, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Psychology, Sociology)
  • Divide your subjects into three classes before you start your preparation 
  1. Difficult 
  2. Medium 
  3. Easy
  • Have all you study materials and resources ready. Do not waste your time in searching for your pen or pencil when you are already seated for studying.
  • Always have a notebook and take notes or draw flow chart to understand the difficult part better.
  • Make a 30 minutes timetable and take a short break after every 30 minutes of study.
  • Have a to do list before you begin reading the subjects.
  • Study at a fixed time so that it becomes a habit.


To really get a desired result student must make lots and lots of sacrifices. Add something extra, something that takes you out of the comfort zone. Initially it’s hard but eventually it’ll become your habit. 


  • Always use physical books and not those one available on school websites or other websites because you’ll end up watching Netflix in the last.
  • Eating healthy is the major point to be followed. Junk foods are becoming a necessity for the current generation which will affect your memory in long run.
  • Write and learn the difficult part because according to scientific research

 1-time writing = 7 times reading.

  • Do a weekly revision of all the subjects to retain them in your long-time memory.
  • Solve previous year question papers to get an idea about the questions you are going to face and also helps in increasing your confidence.
  • Drink lot of water to stay hydrated while you study for a long time.


  • Never ever do group study a day before exam because you’ll end up making plans for your never gonna happen tour to Goa.
  • Do not multitask while studying. Studies show that working on several things at once lowers our productivity by at least 60 percent and our IQ by more than ten points.
  • Do not study at a stretch because you’ll become exhausted and end up taking a break of 2 hours.
  • Do not procrastinate.
  • Put the highlighter down and take notes for better memory and better understanding.
  • Do not study on the bed, bed is only meant for sleeping. If you sit on the bed for studying, you’ll eventually sleep after reading a page.
  • Throw the gadgets away, never use the mobile even during break as it affects the memory.


Everybody is not blessed with a good memory but it’s not impossible too. With regular practice anybody can master a better memory. The following tips will help you to improve your memory.

  • Get a good amount of sleep. 
  • Practice mindfulness or meditation.
  • Break the topics into small chunks which will not make you bored after reading for few minutes.
  • Use multiple color pens to take notes.
  • Visualize the point so it’s stored in the long-term memory.
  • Revise before you go to bed and revise again in the morning.
  • Don’t look at any screen for the first hour you’re awake and the last hour before you go to sleep.


Lot of students have this doubt. What to do in the break? Here are the answers for you doubts. Firstly, you can do anything which will relax your brain and do note that your relaxation should not divert your brain from studying the nest subject or the next topic you’ve planned to study immediately after your break. Some of the effective way of taking a break is mentioned below.

  • Go for a walk, walking helps to relax and reduces the tiredness and this helps in studying further topics with full concentration.
  • Read books, it could be anything but reading is a powerful tool which improves memory.
  • A power nap of 15 minutes will do wonders.
  • Listening to music.
  • Outdoor games.
  • Move your muscles
  • Clean your study table
  • Have a healthy snack
  • Or the best of all do absolutely nothing.

These are the guidelines to be followed to get better and effective results in any of the board exams. Apart from all these rules and regulation there is something which is very important for anybody that is belief in yourself, belief in your abilities. With self-belief you can do wonders.


By Sruthi Unnikrishnan, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu


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