Alexander Ostrovskiy: The Psychology of Color on a Resume
Color isn't merely an aesthetic decision; rather, it is a strategic one. The color of a document will either break or build...
Flames Turns into Ashes
If flames turns into ashes,
And hope is always dying
Heartbeat stops, heart shatters
Thump Thump. Thump.
Thump Thump. Thump.
The bass of the EDM music boomed rhythmically in my ear as I was cleaning my...
“Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi” By Swami Gambhirananda
Recently, I have finished this book (Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi) on the life of Sri Sarada Devi by Swami Gambhirananda. Oh!...
Her Own Little World
Her Own Little World
I just knew I was doing something crucial. I just knew it- before I was...
The role of culture in India’s development
The role of culture in India's development
when we talk about India's culture then a question comes into our...
Life: Veil of Existence
Life and death, however much significantly distinct from one another, are inseparable; neither is complete without the other. They are like sisters,...
mother's hug, a father's care,A guiding hand, always there.Through ups and downs, they stand so strong,In...
AI – Is Quantum Computing the Next Greatest Revolution After AI...
AI has already transformed our daily lives, from creating presentations to solving complex problems, but an even bigger leap may be on...