In simple words, a competitive exam can be defined as a standardized form of assessment, which aims at bringing out the qualitative...

Competitive Exams Helps in Developing Life Skills

Competitive exams have long been regarded as a crucial milestone in the educational journey of students. Traditionally, they have been seen as...

My Lifeline – My MENTOR

My Lifeline- My MENTOR As a baby you observe different people and their actions as examples in front of...

What are the top psychology disciplines you can explore as an...

Unlike popular lore, every psychology graduate does not end up in a therapy setting counselling patients lying on a couch. Psychology is...

Unforgettable Vacation Experience

Do you want to have an unforgettable vacation experience? My favorite travel destinations are Greece, the Maldives, and Indonesia. These three sites...

समाज सुधारक बाबा साहब

समाज सुधारक बाबा‌ साहब ,तुम्हें कोटि - कोटि प्रणाम ।जबतक सूरज - चांद रहेगा ,अमर तुम्हारा नाम ।।ऊंच-नीच का किया खात्मा ,...

Unspoken Goodbyes: Navigating the Shadows of Grief

Unspoken Goodbyes: Navigating the Shadows of Grief Often, I have heard people say that memories are precious -- they...

साईं बाबा

साईं बाबा साईं बाबा के चरणों में, श्रद्धा भक्ति का आँगन।दिल से जुड़ा हर दर्द, मिलता है उनके संग...

Gifts of Wisdom: A Journey of Friendship and Self-Discovery

Gifts of Wisdom: A Journey of Friendship and Self-Discovery In the vibrant tapestry of life, Laurya, a spirited young...

Eternal Dance of the Universe

The forever dance of the universe plays outWith every particle a prominent part,A star no different than an atom,A mortal no...