Calming down the climate change

By: Puja Dev

Climate Temperature
Climate Temperature
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Calming down the climate change

When I look at the sky

I can’t see birds fly

When I go to the riverside

I feel like I want to hide

Because of the shame

That I have a blame

The blame that I could not save the environment 

You guys say its development 

Then what about the birds 

The variants of the animals

These lines were said by my grandfather. He was such a hard working and evergreen person I have ever seen.He was a farmer.Yes a farmer.Though he could easily be a banker,he decised to be close to his roots.

When I was a kid,he would always give me the fresh apples,mangoes,vegetables he cultivated.And beacuse of him I got to know the real taste of a food.He would always take me to the lake whenever its afternoon. We had a beautiful bond better than lots of my family members . 

But days are not always as same.Now I have grown up.I barley go to my village to meet my family.So my grandfather is always not  happy with the decision. He would always suggest me to go to meet them and have some fresh food and fruits.But I always get tired telling him the same thing again and again that I want to do my things in life.

Though I easily understand he does not like my answer I can do anything. But I always try to introduce him to the unique  and developed lifestyle of the city.But he just smiles.He does not answer.

So getting mad I asked him the reason of it

Then he said,

When he looked at the sky he saw beautiful birds fly

When he went to the lake side

He would always feel the beaty of life

When he would go to the field

He felt likr his heart was healed.

Whenever he would come to our house,he would never sit under the Ac.He would get mad at the closed building room.So the balcony was the one and only option for him

 Oneday It was a day when our school  arranged a science fair.All my friends had already decided what to do.But I was the one who was thinking till the end what would be my project.Then as always my life saver arrived. My grandfather was thankfully at our house.So I asked him what could be the project knowing he was not from this generation. But I had no other way.He is always the one who saves me from everything. 

So he looked at my plastic bottle of cooke.Then he told me what I was going to do with that.I simply replied I would throw that away.Then he told me then why don’t you make a project on recycling. 

I was so socked ansd amazed.I got that.Then the next day I bought the form from my teacher and submitted that.Together with him,We made unbelievable thigs.We made bags using wedding cards,An aquarium using a wasted light.We made lots of cartoons using egg shels.Then flowers from shopping bags,presents using ice cream sticks,vases using bottles,flowers using apple rappers,Kanthas using wasted cloths.Evryone was so socked with our ideas.All my teachers,judges,other people were so surprised. As it could both control the damage of environment and could save our environment. Some even wanted to know the process. Thus we speard our ideas that helped them to have a both beautiful present and a good environment.  Then I gave away the things to other people that they wanted to buy without any money I also won the first place.

The next year I did not think twice.I again went for the same project. So that I could attract more people.I was just a kid at that time.I did know that much scientific methods to save the environment and cotrol the climate.Then I realized alot of people did not.But this is how almost all kind of people can come forward. They don’t need social media knowledge. They don’t need to know any scientific method to create a project. But it can be so helpful if we all come forward. 

So it was such an amazing part of my life.But the worst thing is that my guide, my grandfather is no more today.But now I actually realize his words. Then I also realized that this this is not that late to change our ideas.

By: Puja Dev

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