Building a future free from Racism

By: Noor Muhammad Farhan Korimbocus

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Building a future free from Racism

Racism can be defined as the unfair treatment of people who belong to a different race and culture such as violent behaviour towards them. Racism is the belief that some races of people are better than others. Racism means also the discrimination by an individual, community or institution against another person on the basis of their belonging of a particular racial or ethnic group.

Nowadays, racism is everywhere in the world. There are still many countries such as the African countries, the South American countries, etc. where racism is the scourge of the society. It is a loss for everyone. Racism creates conflicts, hatred and divisions when people are not given equal education and opportunities in employment. It creates inequalities in health and it hurts everyone. It destroys also the community and brings to insecurity. If someone is a victim of racism, it is a trauma for him and the trauma will be there forever in his life. Racism prevents us from discovering the richness of other cultures and poisons our life.

However, we can fight for a future without racism. The authorities should make sure that everyone has the same rights and equal opportunities. One cannot discriminate another person due to the fact that he or she is from another culture. The authorities of a country should emphasize in finding ways to stop racism.

First of all, a proper education is needed. People should be educated at a very young age. They should be aware about the impact and side-effects that racism might cause in a society or country such as fights, conflicts, hatred and even crimes among people. When a society and community is educated, definitely there will be less racism and hatred towards other races and cultures. In this way, the authorities can work towards a future free from racism. The teachers should teach children and youngsters about kindness, fairness and human rights. They should teach children about how to behave in a society. They should teach children that racism is a disease that has negative effects on the health and development of a child. Teachers should explain that racism is unfair and that each and every human being must be treated equally and fairly. If we want a future without racism, we need to discuss it openly.

Secondly, to fight racism in a society, we need to make sure that laws and orders are in place and is followed by everyone. The authorities need to train the police, lawyers, doctors, etc. to treat all people equally and not to discriminate someone because of his ethnicity. Racism is there everywhere in a society whether it is in school, hospital, etc. For instance, if a doctor refuse to treat a patient and prescribe medicines for him due to the fact of his race, the authorities should put a full stop of that behaviour. Some laws have a racist effect, it has to be overturned. Poverty also creates racism, when there is no employment, people are angry because of lack of food and therefore they are deeply affected. In addition, we need to make sure that technology such as medias, televisions, etc. respects human rights and to undermine diversity. We need to build a world where each and everyone is respected and where we can enjoy our differences.

Thirdly, we should raise awareness and share resources that one has found useful to combat racism and discrimination. At school, we can share with friend books or games that can help to learn that we all have a right to dignity and safety. We must not stop until all people that access to equal rights and social justice and that there is no discrimination in a society. When a society is free from racism, each and everyone will feel safe and secured and thereby enjoying a good living.

Fourthly, in order to end racism in a society and country, one should not be afraid to stand and fight for the victims. One should stand against racial prejudice and bad attitudes. At school if we see someone is being bullied, ill-treated and discriminated due to racism, we should not just stop and watch, we should stand and fight for him. Racism should be spoken openly at school. We can create an environment of acceptance at school. We can explain that cultural factors can have an effect on our interpersonal responses such as creating a group learning strategy. Teachers should be encouraged to introduce as much cultural diversity in the curriculum. Teach students about ways of how to recognize behaviour that may reinforce racism. Organize activities at school, inviting each and every one to speak about themselves, therefore understanding others. In this way, we should be able to eliminate racism at school and create a better future.

Fifthly and lastly, is to recognize that racism is there in the society and country. One should work towards finding solutions of how to stop racism. If each and every person recognize the existence of racism, it will help to lessen the discrimination. Some people are afraid to speak about racism as it is considered to be taboo. On the contrary, if one is able to speak openly about racism, in fact, he is contributing in stopping it. For instance, at school, if a person is a victim of racism, he should not be afraid to speak about it with his teachers and school mates. If he speak about it, we will be able to erase racism

To conclude, it is not impossible to create a society free from racism. Each and every person, whether it is a student, a doctor, an individual or a lawyer should work together in finding ways and solutions to combat racism and prevent it. We should build a world without racism and discrimination where each and everyone may live freely, in safety without fear and where we all exercise our human rights. A world free from racism is a world where it is good for a better living and enjoying lives.

By: Noor Muhammad Farhan Korimbocus

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