Best Way to Grading an Essay

By: Raunak Jha

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The best way to write an essay is by using your own imagination and your own words. Now, the part comes which all of the participants eagerly wait to finish. So, what is the process to grade an essay? There are several things that one can focus on while grading an essay.

Now, to grade an essay one needs to have a proper understanding of the rules and regulations of the contest. Now, comes the part when you will have to take some tough decisions. Sometimes, there will be submissions from some great participants that you will have to reject also because of some minor error. It is because rules need to be followed by everyone. So, it is important to set some benchmark for the results. A proper clean and impartial result will be better for all the participants.

Now, the next thing is the fact that if someone is late in submission then that submission will not count. It will be so, for all the participants. After that, one needs to be careful for any submission in the future.

The word count and the language also play an important role in the grading process. If someone, has lesser number of words, but a good content. Still the participants will have to obey the decision of the judges, if that means any deduction in marks.

Now, the question arises that one also needs to have a clean language in the essay. It is because, if the essay looks and appears a bit odd, then the chances of getting marks should also be less.

The next important part is the fact topic must be clearly depicted by the essay. If someone has a clear and straight forward essay, then the essay can be clear. The structure and formatting of the essay needs to be to the point. It will ensure that essay is able to explain the things related to the topic in a better way.

All of the above points, then directs us to the fact that one needs to follow the age limit, if there is one for the contest. If not, then the essay cannot be considered for evaluation.

Now, the next point is the fact that one needs to write original content and not copy from some online source. If it is the case, then such an essay cannot be graded. For such a case, there needs to be some plagiarism check, that can clear the air over the content of a particular essay.

Now, comes the part where an essay needs to be means if an essay has some photos or diagrams, that can explain the matter in a better way. Then it needs to get a better grade for the effort.  

The next point is that of the examples. If an essay has some real-life examples, for explaining a situation then it needs to get some more grades for the better clarity.

The other crucial point is also of the creativity that a writer can use while writing an essay. For, this one need to use some creative angles in the essay, to better entertain the readers. It will also get some plus points for keeping the readers interest intact for the essay.

Now, comes the part for the proper use of grammar. If the essay has a good grammar, then it will get marks for that. It will also have extra marks for the proper use of punctuations, that one can use effectively in an essay.

For the important parts, like the points that give the users something extra in terms of information and that too form some well-known and trustworthy sources. Then the essay can get some extra points. After that, one can also get more grades for the proper research that one can do on a topic, before starting the essay.

All the facts and points need to be on point and related to the topic. If something, is out of order then an essay can get some grades deducted for that.

Now, lastly all the above points can give you a better clarity over how to grade an essay, if this is the case, then one can now grade an essay in abetter way. All of the above points can now help you to become a good judge f an essay competition.

It can also mean that the participants of an essay contest can rest assured that they will get a fair and unbiased grade for their efforts. Only then it will help you in making your essay contest a success. It will then help you in getting more participants for any future essay contests.

By: Raunak Jha

Write and Win: Participate in Creative writing Contest & International Essay Contest and win fabulous prizes.

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